Terranok Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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  Terranok, a deity of true neutral alignment, stands as the embodiment of earth and the unyielding solidity of oaths. His divine essence is symbolized by a mountain with a heart-shaped gem—an emblem of enduring strength, steadfastness, and the balanced force that guides mortals in their pursuit of oaths and stability.   As the guardian of earth, Terranok instills a sense of stability and reliability in the realms. His influence is felt in the unyielding mountains, the solidity of the earth beneath one's feet, and the harmonious coexistence between mortals bound by oaths.   Followers of Terranok engage in acts of commitment and reliability, seeking to uphold the enduring strength of oaths and promote stability in their communities. Temples dedicated to the god often feature depictions of mountains with heart-shaped gems as symbols of reverence, creating spaces where worshippers can reflect on the importance of upholding their word and embracing the solidity of oaths.   In the realms touched by Terranok's influence, earth becomes a symbol of unyielding stability, leaving landscapes shaped by the enduring forces of commitment. His worshippers understand that in the pursuit of oaths and stability lies a true neutral commitment to balance, where the mountain with a heart-shaped gem symbolizes the unbreakable bonds forged through enduring strength and the solidity of one's word.

Holy Books & Codes

Followers of Terranok, known as Stonebinders, revere the "Stalwart Oathscroll." This enduring text contains teachings on the strength of the earth, the solemnity of oaths, and the unyielding nature of solid foundations. Stonebinders seek to embody the unwavering essence of the earth.

Tenets of Faith

Stonebinders adhere to the tenets of earth, solidity, and the sanctity of oaths. Terranok's teachings inspire followers to embody the strength of the earth, uphold solemn oaths, and build foundations that withstand the test of time. Devotees are encouraged to act with steadfast resolve, honor their commitments, and embrace the enduring power of the earth.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Terranok seeks to establish a world where solidity and unwavering commitment prevail. Stonebinders are tasked with fortifying structures, upholding oaths, and embodying the unyielding nature of the earth. Terranok's influence inspires followers to build lasting legacies and contribute to the stability of the world.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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