The Great Accord Physical / Metaphysical Law in Timeuria | World Anvil
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The Great Accord

The Great Accord


Origins and Divine Intervention

The Great Accord traces its origins to the tumultuous days of the Era of Primordials, when the world was a chaotic canvas painted by the unrestrained powers of the primordial beings. Witnessing the destructive dance of these elemental entities, Astriel the All-Father, the Overgod of Timeuria, recognized the urgent need for divine intervention to bring order to the realm. In response, he forged the Great Accord, a cosmic covenant that would govern the very fabric of Timeuria.  

Cosmic Principles and Tenets

The accord's core principles encompassed a holistic understanding of the cosmos, establishing a harmonious balance among the elemental forces, celestial bodies, arcane energies, and the natural world. The elemental harmony within the accord dictated that earth, air, fire, water, life and death would coexist in an intricate dance, preventing the unbridled dominance of any one force.   Celestial balance became a key tenet, with Astriel overseeing the orderly progression of day and night. The Arbiter's Tower, a celestial structure in the heart of Astriels divine realm, symbolized this oversight, serving as both a divine beacon and a meeting place for the pantheon.   Arcane restriction within the accord sought to regulate the use of magic, preventing its abuse and ensuring that mortals and deities alike adhered to the established laws of mystical manipulation. Natural equilibrium extended the accord's influence to the intricate tapestry of the natural world, maintaining the balance of ecosystems and preserving the delicate interplay of life.  

The first Pantheon and the Arbiter's Tower

Astriel, as the architect and overseer of the Great Accord, took on the mantle of guiding the first pantheon of Timeuria that emerged from this divine pact. The celestial Arbiter's Tower, a manifestation of divine authority, became the symbolic seat where the pantheon convened to discuss matters related to the accord and the governance of Timeuria. The tower also served as a conduit through which Astriel could channel his wisdom to the pantheon and maintain the delicate cosmic balance.  

Enduring Legacy and Evolution

The legacy of the Great Accord transcended epochs, shaping the course of Timeuria's history. It became the bedrock upon which civilizations flourished and the divine pantheon guided mortal destinies. While the accord didn't eliminate conflict, its influence provided a framework that allowed Timeuria to thrive.   As the world progressed through the Miracles Era and the cataclysmic Realmswar, the Great Accord stood as a testament to Astriel's enduring wisdom. Even in the face of challenges and the shattering of the pantheon, the principles of the accord persisted, awaiting the Rebirth Era—a time of renewal and the emergence of new gods who would carry the mantle of divine governance in the ever-evolving tapestry of Timeuria.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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