The Sundering of Terra'el Myth in Timeuria | World Anvil
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The Sundering of Terra'el


In the earliest days of Timeuria, in the unknown era long before the existence of humanoid civilizations, there existed a singular land mass called Terra'el. It was inhabited by all sorts of powerful entities known as primordials, beings of pure chaotic magical energy that sprang from the core of Timeuria at its birth. These creatures battled for millennia for control of the realm, constantly leaving marks on the world around them with their skirmishes.   Eventualy a massive clash occured, the primordials had converged on a single section of Terra'el to finish this age old fight once and for all. As they destroyed each other, their chaotic energy began to sprout mountains and rip apart the land beneath them. This continued on until Terra'el completely broke apart forming the distinct and separate continents we know today. You can see evidence of this clash at every corner of Timeuria, from the oceans, lakes and rivers, to the forests and the mountains.

Historical Basis

While there are no civilizations that witnessed the Sundering of Terra'el first hand, the continents have been mapped and seem to fit together. This suggests some truth to the myth as it verifies that a unified continent was extremely likely. The only other piece of evidence is the event known as the Great Accord set forth by Lord Astriel to keep the primordials in check by establishing laws that governed the world and creating the first pantheon. This opens the possibility even further that a large conflict or event had happened prior, which would likely be the Sundering of Terra'el.


This myth is told in mostly the same form all across Timeuria, and it is fairly well known among any educated civilization. Only the most sheltered cultures do not know of this legend, mainly due to lack of contact with other civilizations in the world.

Variations & Mutation

The only other major variation of this myth exists in the nine hells. Rather than a combat between each other, the Devils in the Nine hells record that the primordials were fighting Lord Astriel himself for control of Timeuria and in his anger he destroyed not only them but split apart the world itself. While this also remains unverified, Lord Astriel would certainly have the power to do this.

In Art

All sorts of murals and tapestries exist depicting the cataclysmic battle that broke apart the world. There are even various songs that recant the story and share it across Timeuria. Within the Nine Hells you will sometimes see depictions of Lord Astriel striking down the Primordials in accordance with their version of the myth.
Date of Setting
987 PE

Cover image: by AI generated using Nightcafe


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