Tidall Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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  Tidall, a deity of chaotic evil alignment, rules over the tumultuous realms of the oceans. His divine essence is symbolized by waves crashing into a ship—an emblem of relentless chaos, destructive power, and the malevolent force that propels the oceans in their insatiable pursuit of turmoil.   As the master of oceans, Tidall revels in the chaos that ensues when the seas unleash their destructive might. His influence is felt in the tempestuous storms that rage across the open waters, the relentless crashing of waves against ships, and the unpredictable nature of the malevolent forces concealed beneath the ocean's surface.   Followers of Tidall engage in rituals that seek to invoke his malevolent influence, spreading chaos and destruction through the powers of the ocean. Temples dedicated to the god often feature depictions of waves crashing into ships, creating spaces where worshippers can immerse themselves in the chaotic and destructive dance of the oceans.   In the realms touched by Tidall's influence, oceans become a malevolent and unpredictable force, leaving seafarers at the mercy of tempests and treacherous waters. His worshippers understand that in the pursuit of chaos and destruction lies a chaotic evil commitment to turmoil, where waves crashing into a ship symbolize the relentless and malevolent power of Tidall's domain.

Holy Books & Codes

The rhythmic verses of the "Aqua Cantos" echo the teachings of Tidall, delving into the mysteries of the deep oceans, the ebb and flow of tides, and the interconnectedness of marine life. Devotees, known as Aquatic Disciples, turn to these fluidic texts to find guidance in navigating the vastness of the oceanic realms.

Tenets of Faith

Aquatic Disciples embrace the tenets of adaptability, unity with the oceans, and the stewardship of marine life. Tidall's teachings inspire followers to honor the balance of the tides, respect the diversity of marine ecosystems, and foster a deep connection with the vast expanse of the oceans. Aquatic Disciples strive to embody qualities of flexibility, harmony, and a commitment to preserving the vitality of oceanic realms.


The "Feast of Oceans" is a grand celebration observed by Tidall's devoted followers, the Aquatic Disciples, on the 16th day of the month of Tidall. This joyous occasion is marked by water-themed festivities that pay homage to the vastness of the oceans and the life-enriching qualities of water. Aquatic Disciples gather for rituals that celebrate the interconnectedness of all water sources, honoring the ebb and flow of tides and the diverse marine life that thrives within the oceans.   During the Feast of Oceans, Aquatic Disciples engage in oceanic processions that weave through coastal areas, carrying symbols of Tidall's influence. Rituals involve the pouring of blessed water into sacred basins, symbolizing the god's benevolent touch on the vast seas. The festival fosters a sense of unity among Aquatic Disciples, inspiring them to pledge their commitment to the protection and preservation of aquatic ecosystems.   While the Feast of Oceans shares its celebration with Finir's followers, the practices are distinct, reflecting the different alignments and domains of the two deities. Tidall's festival emphasizes the reverence for the oceans and the responsibility of Aquatic Disciples to safeguard the delicate balance of marine life.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Tidall's divine goal is to safeguard the oceans, preserve marine life, and instill a sense of unity among his followers. Aquatic Disciples are entrusted with the task of protecting the seas, promoting environmental conservation, and celebrating the beauty of oceanic ecosystems. The god inspires followers to recognize the interconnectedness of all marine life and to act as guardians of the ocean's delicate balance.

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