Toof Ferry Vehicle in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Toof Ferry

History and Myths

  These ships can tie their origins back to warring times within the feywilds. They used them to gain positional advantage over their enemies that did not have the capability to travel over the poisonous and acidic lakes within the feywild. After the wars they maintained usefullness by allowing trade to be more easily accomplished the realm and even became transport vessels for humanoids as well. Over time many of the fey who created these abominations passed away and much of their uses are still to be rediscovered.   There are legends that say some fey have even gone to the lengths of traveling to other realms for the purpose of acquiring teeth. Toof Collectors as they are colloquially known, have been reportedly sighted all across the realms of Timeuria. It is said that they appear at night in the rooms of children and offer deals for teeth that have fallen out or are loose as these are the easiest to come by and no one misses them. Refusing a Toof Collectors offer is said to be bad luck or as some cultures say, results in a curse being placed on your bloodline.    


  The average Toof Ferry is made of roughly 300 million teeth. The enamel on the teeth tends to wear out over time due to exposure to the acid and poisons. Some teeth have gums and even blood still attached adding a grotesque nature to its appearance. Some of the teeth even begin to rot and disentigrate creating a foul odor that eminates in a radius around the ship. In order to repair any damaged parts of the vessel, they will attach temporary structures made of metal wires to sections of the teeth until they are cemented in place.  


  The Toof Ferries were originally created by Fey creatures as a means to cross vast sections of dangerous liquids in the Feywild such as acid or poison. Now the Fey creatures that operate these orthodontal vessels charge other creatures in teeth as a means to upkeep the vehicles. They use these ships mainly to bring goods from one end of the feywild to another. They also carry passengers willing to pay the fees associated and t his helps them upkeep the maintenance of the ferry.  


  The Crew, who are made up of various fey and humanoid creatures, over time begin to mirror the worn down rotting appearance of some parts of the ship. The longer they spend on the ferry, the worse they decay. There is a constant ebb and flow of crew members on the ship, with the harsh conditions that these ships travel through and the amount of time commitment needed to rise through the ranks, and it is obvious to tell who the newest members are by the state of their clothes and appearance.

Armor and defense

Aura of Rot: Creatures within a 30 foot radius must make a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned. A creature may attempt to make another save against this effect at the end of each of its turns. On a success, creatures are immune to this effect for 24 hours.   At the start of each turn that a creature is poisoned by this effect, they take 1d8 poison damage.
by AI generated using Nightcafe
Dentin Defiler aka Enamel Eraser aka Crown Crusher aka Bone Breaker aka Root Remover
Current location
One tooth per mile
3.75 million pounds
730 (Speed of Bad Breath)
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
by AI generated using Nightcafe

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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