Uhlene Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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  Uhlene, a deity of chaotic evil alignment, presides over the realms as the mistress of torture and pain. Her divine essence is symbolized by a six-tailed whip—an emblem of sadistic cruelty, unrestrained agony, and the malevolent force that thrives in the torment of mortals.   As the mistress of torture, Uhlene revels in the chaos that ensues when screams of agony echo through the realms. Her influence is felt in the infliction of physical and psychological torment, the unrestrained cruelty unleashed upon the suffering, and the unpredictable nature of malevolent forces that revel in pain.   Devotees of Uhlene engage in rituals that seek to invoke her malevolent influence, spreading torment and agony to sate their sadistic desires. Temples dedicated to the goddess often feature representations of six-tailed whips, creating spaces where worshippers can immerse themselves in the chaotic and sadistic dance of torture.   In the realms touched by Uhlene's influence, pain becomes a malevolent and unrelenting force, leaving mortals at the mercy of sadistic cruelty. Her worshippers understand that in the pursuit of torture and pain lies a chaotic evil commitment to suffering, where the six-tailed whip symbolizes the relentless and malevolent power of Uhlene's domain.

Holy Books & Codes

Followers of Uhlene, known as Tormentors, revere the "Whiplash Codex." This malevolent text contains teachings on inflicting pain, the art of torture, and the pursuit of suffering. Tormentors seek to revel in the agony of others and spread the influence of torment.

Tenets of Faith

Tormentors adhere to the tenets of torture, pain, and the pursuit of suffering. Uhlene's teachings inspire followers to revel in the infliction of pain, master the art of torture, and spread the influence of suffering. Devotees are encouraged to extract agony with sadistic delight, embrace the dark arts of torment, and contribute to the proliferation of pain.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Uhlene seeks to establish a realm where suffering is revered and pain is omnipresent. Tormentors are tasked with spreading the influence of torment, perfecting the art of inflicting pain, and embracing the dark nature of suffering. Uhlene's influence inspires followers to derive pleasure from the anguish of others and contribute to the dominion of pain.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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