Uramoz Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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  Uramoz, the chaotic evil Lord of Hedonism, plays a sinister role in the cosmic tapestry, offering tempting deals to mortals in exchange for their souls. His essence embodies the pursuit of pleasure and the corrupting influence that lures the desperate and ambitious into binding contracts. In a pivotal moment, Uramoz's ambitions clashed with Levistus, resulting in the latter's imprisonment. The demonlord, fueled by vengeful desire, sought to settle the score with Levistus for the interference in mortal contracts.   Throughout the eras, Uramoz manifested periodically, weaving enticing pacts with mortals. The terms of these contracts often involved the pursuit of hedonistic pleasures or the achievement of worldly desires. Souls were the currency, and those who failed to fulfill their end faced the dire consequence of eternal servitude in the abyss.   Temples dedicated to Uramoz were secret dens of indulgence, where followers reveled in the pursuit of pleasure and the fulfillment of their darkest desires. Symbols representing hedonism adorned these places, creating an atmosphere of temptation and corruption.   In the realms touched by Uramoz's influence, the allure of pleasure becomes a dangerous dance with the demonic, as mortals grapple with the seductive offers that may lead to eternal damnation. The Lord of Hedonism thrives on the chaos born from broken contracts and the souls ensnared in his web of tempting bargains.

Holy Books & Codes

Followers of Uramoz, known as Hedonists, revere the "Pleasure Codex." This indulgent text contains teachings on the pursuit of pleasure, the art of hedonism, and the gratification of desires. Hedonists seek to indulge in the pleasures of life, embrace hedonistic practices, and satisfy their deepest desires.

Tenets of Faith

Hedonists adhere to the tenets of pleasure, hedonism, and the gratification of desires. Uramoz's teachings inspire followers to pursue pleasure in all aspects of life, embrace hedonistic practices, and seek the gratification of their deepest desires. Devotees are encouraged to revel in the pleasures of the senses, embrace the pursuit of hedonism, and satisfy their desires without restraint.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Uramoz seeks to establish a world where pleasure is pursued in all aspects of life, hedonistic practices are embraced, and the gratification of desires is celebrated. Hedonists are tasked with reveling in the pleasures of the senses, embracing the pursuit of hedonism, and satisfying their desires without restraint. Uramoz's influence inspires followers to play a crucial role in fostering a world where the pursuit of pleasure is a divine celebration.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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