Uten Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using NightCafe
  Uten, a deity of chaotic evil alignment, commands the tumultuous forces of storms and destruction. His divine essence is symbolized by a storm cloud with a lightning bolt—an emblem of relentless chaos, destructive power, and the malevolent force that propels storms in their insatiable pursuit of turmoil.   As the master of storms, Uten revels in the chaos that ensues when the skies unleash their destructive might. His influence is felt in the tempestuous hurricanes that tear through the skies, the relentless fury of lightning strikes, and the unpredictable nature of the malevolent forces concealed within the storm clouds.   Followers of Uten engage in rituals that seek to invoke his malevolent influence, spreading chaos and destruction through the powers of storms. Temples dedicated to the god often feature representations of storm clouds with lightning bolts, creating spaces where worshippers can immerse themselves in the chaotic and destructive dance of the tempest.   In the realms touched by Uten's influence, storms become a malevolent and unpredictable force, leaving civilizations at the mercy of hurricanes and destructive weather. His worshippers understand that in the pursuit of chaos and destruction lies a chaotic evil commitment to turmoil, where the storm cloud with a lightning bolt symbolizes the relentless and malevolent power of Uten's domain.

Holy Books & Codes

Followers of Uten, known as Stormbringers, revere the "Thunderclap Scriptures." This tempestuous text contains teachings on the unleashing of storms, the fury of destruction, and the chaotic forces of nature. Stormbringers seek to harness the power of storms and unleash destruction upon the world.

Tenets of Faith

Stormbringers adhere to the tenets of storms, destruction, and the chaotic forces of nature. Uten's teachings inspire followers to embrace the power of storms, revel in destruction, and unleash chaotic forces upon the world. Devotees are encouraged to wield the forces of nature with unbridled fury, embrace the chaos of storms, and contribute to the destructive power of the divine.


"Tempest's Embrace" occurs during the month of Ute on day 12. Followers of Uten, called Stormbringers, commemorate the raw power of storms and destruction. The festival includes dramatic weather rituals, tempest-themed competitions, and ceremonies where Stormbringers seek Uten's favor to channel the destructive forces responsibly. The event is a reminder of the dual nature of storms—both destructive and renewing.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Uten seeks to establish a world where storms rage unchecked and destruction reigns supreme. Stormbringers are tasked with harnessing the power of storms, unleashing destruction, and embodying the chaotic forces of nature. Uten's influence inspires followers to revel in the chaos of storms and contribute to the unrestrained fury of destruction.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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