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by AI generated using NightCafe
  Valkyra, a deity of chaotic evil alignment, orchestrates the legions of fallen angels, her essence symbolized by a broken halo hovering above angelic wings stained with blood—an emblem of corrupted divinity, chaos, and the malevolent force that led fallen angels into the realmswar. In a bid for power during the realmswar, Valkyra called upon the fallen angels to aid in the chaotic conflict that engulfed the realms. This dark alliance sought to unleash havoc and destruction upon the mortal realms and their divine counterparts.   Temples dedicated to Valkyra exuded an air of corrupted sanctity, where followers reveled in the chaos sown by fallen angels. The broken halo and blood-stained angelic wings adorned these places, serving as chilling symbols of Valkyra's malevolent dominion over the corrupted celestial beings.   As the realmswar unfolded, the malevolent actions of Valkyra earned divine retribution. Valkyra faced the punishment of death, a consequence of her role in unleashing the forces of darkness upon the realms. The broken halo and blood-stained wings of Valkyra's iconography now stand as both a testament to her ill-fated ambitions and a warning against the corrupting influence of chaos within the celestial realms. The tragic tale of Valkyra serves as a stark reminder that even those who command angels may face divine justice for the malevolence they unleash upon the world.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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