Vaxtris Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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  Vaxtris, a deity of chaotic evil alignment, reigns over the realms as the master of misery and funerals. His divine essence is symbolized by a black six-pointed star—an emblem of relentless sorrow, the somber rituals of farewell, and the malevolent force that thrives in the desolation of mourning.   As the master of misery, Vaxtris revels in the chaos that ensues when grief shrouds the world. His influence is felt in the mournful dirges that echo through funerals, the somber processions of the bereaved, and the unpredictable nature of malevolent forces that feed on the misery of the grieving.   Devotees of Vaxtris engage in rituals that seek to invoke his malevolent influence, spreading misery and despair to deepen the sorrow of funerals. Temples dedicated to the god often feature representations of black six-pointed stars, creating spaces where worshippers can immerse themselves in the chaotic and desolate atmosphere of mourning.   In the realms touched by Vaxtris' influence, funerals become a malevolent and sorrowful force, leaving the bereaved engulfed in unrelenting despair. His worshippers understand that in the pursuit of misery and desolation lies a chaotic evil commitment to sorrow, where the black six-pointed star symbolizes the relentless and malevolent power of Vaxtris' domain.

Holy Books & Codes

Followers of Vaxtris, known as Elegists, revere the "Funereal Psalms." This mournful text contains teachings on the rituals of mourning, the acceptance of misery, and the solemnity of funerals. Elegists seek to honor the departed and embrace the somber aspects of life.

Tenets of Faith

Elegists adhere to the tenets of misery, funerals, and the acceptance of sorrow. Vaxtris's teachings inspire followers to acknowledge the inevitability of sorrow, conduct solemn funeral rites, and find solace in the acceptance of misery. Devotees are encouraged to honor the departed, embrace the somber aspects of existence, and contribute to the dignified observance of funerals.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Vaxtris seeks to establish a realm where the acceptance of misery is celebrated and funerals are conducted with solemn reverence. Elegists are tasked with conducting funeral rites, embracing the acceptance of sorrow, and contributing to the dignified observance of funerals. Vaxtris's influence inspires followers to find solace in the acceptance of misery and contribute to the collective acknowledgment of life's somber aspects.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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