Voidberry Species in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Within the abyss's veiled depths grows the Voidberry. Apart from being a crucial ingredient for crafting potions of invisibility, the Voidberry's other use lies in its ability to temporarily disrupt magical perception.   When distilled in a specific manner, and brewed into a potion the Voidberry induces a short-lived distortion in magical senses, making the user difficult to detect by magical means. This potion, known as Void Elixir, grants a momentary reprieve from scrying, detection spells, or other magical surveillance methods.   The Voidberry, with its multifaceted nature, becomes not only a tool for unseen movement but also a safeguard against magical scrutiny. Adventurers and spellcasters alike seek out these elusive berries, not just for the gift of invisibility but also for the strategic advantage of momentarily slipping beyond the gaze of magical surveillance.   Legends within the abyss speak of the Voidberry as an essential plant, holding within its depths the power to obscure from even the most powerful magic if brewed correctly. Its use in creating the Void Elixir adds a layer of complexity to the berry's uses, turning it into a coveted resource for those navigating the unpredictable landscapes of the abyss.
by AI generated using NightCafe

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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