Vomos Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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  Vomos, a deity of chaotic good alignment, smiles upon the realms as the bestower of good fortune and luck. His divine essence is symbolized by a face-up coin—an emblem of serendipity, fortuitous turns of fate, and the benevolent force that guides mortals in their pursuit of prosperity.   As the bringer of good fortune, Vomos revels in the chaos that ensues when luck smiles upon the fortunate. His influence is felt in the fortunate encounters, the serendipitous moments that alter destinies, and the harmonious coexistence between those blessed by luck.   Followers of Vomos engage in acts of kindness, spreading good fortune and luck to uplift the spirits of those around them. Temples dedicated to the god often feature representations of face-up coins, creating spaces where worshippers can immerse themselves in the chaotic and prosperous dance of luck.   In the realms touched by Vomos' influence, good fortune becomes a benevolent and contagious force, leaving trails of serendipity and prosperity. His worshippers understand that in the pursuit of luck lies a chaotic good commitment to spreading joy, where the face-up coin symbolizes the boundless potential and benevolent nature of Vomos' influence.

Holy Books & Codes

Followers of Vomos, known as Fortunates, revere the "Fortune Scrolls." This auspicious text contains teachings on good fortune, luck, and the celebration of serendipitous events. Fortunates seek to spread joy and embrace the fortuitous aspects of life.

Tenets of Faith

Fortunates adhere to the tenets of good fortune, luck, and the celebration of serendipity. Vomos's teachings inspire followers to spread joy, embrace the fortuitous aspects of life, and celebrate serendipitous events. Devotees are encouraged to bring happiness to others, recognize the role of luck in life, and contribute to the celebration of serendipity.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Vomos seeks to establish a world where joy is widespread, luck abounds, and the celebration of serendipity is cherished. Fortunates are tasked with spreading happiness, recognizing the role of luck in life, and contributing to the celebration of serendipity. Vomos's influence inspires followers to bring joy to others and embrace the fortuitous aspects of existence.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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