Weses Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using NightCafe
  Weses, a deity of neutral evil alignment, wielded the malevolent power of plague, his essence symbolized by a cursed wellspring spreading pestilence and decay—an emblem of relentless disease, decay, and the malevolent force that unleashed the scourge of pestilence upon both gods and mortals.   In the diseased era preceding the realmswar, Weses' influence festered, as the cursed wellspring spread its tendrils of pestilence across the realms. Temples dedicated to Weses were plagued sanctuaries, where followers embraced the malevolent deity's mastery over disease and decay.   As the realmswar unfolded, Weses reveled in the relentless spread of pestilence, the cursed wellspring becoming a symbol of the malevolent force's insidious power to rot away the foundations of life. The tendrils of decay reached across the cosmic conflict, leaving a trail of desolation and suffering in their wake.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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