Wizruer Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using NightCafe
  Wizruer, a deity of true neutral alignment, watches over the realms as the patron of finance and merchants. His divine essence is symbolized by a hoard of gold and platinum—an emblem of commerce, prosperity, and the balanced force that guides mortals in their pursuit of wealth and financial stability.   As the guardian of finance, Wizruer fosters a connection between mortals and the intricate workings of economic prosperity. His influence is felt in the bustling markets, the shrewd negotiations of merchants, and the harmonious coexistence between financial gain and fair trade.   Followers of Wizruer engage in acts of responsible wealth management, seeking to uphold the principles of fair trade and economic balance. Temples dedicated to the god often feature representations of hoards of gold and platinum, creating spaces where worshippers can reflect on the importance of financial stability and equitable commerce.   In the realms touched by Wizruer's influence, finance becomes a force of balanced prosperity, leaving economies teeming with the benefits of fair trade. His worshippers understand that in the pursuit of financial stability lies a true neutral commitment to balance, where the hoard of gold and platinum symbolizes the interconnected dance of wealth and commerce within the embrace of Wizruer's influence.

Holy Books & Codes

Followers of Wizruer, known as Coinkeepers, revere the "Treasury Chronicles." This ledger-like text contains teachings on finance, trade, and the equitable exchange of wealth. Coinkeepers seek to maintain financial balance and uphold the principles of fair trade.

Tenets of Faith

Coinkeepers adhere to the tenets of finance, merchants, and the equitable exchange of wealth. Wizruer's teachings inspire followers to maintain financial balance, engage in fair trade, and uphold the principles of wealth equity. Devotees are encouraged to pursue financial wisdom, conduct fair business practices, and contribute to economic stability.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Wizruer seeks to establish a world where financial balance is maintained, fair trade prevails, and the principles of wealth equity are upheld. Coinkeepers are tasked with pursuing financial wisdom, conducting fair business practices, and contributing to economic stability. Wizruer's influence inspires followers to play a crucial role in maintaining financial equilibrium and promoting fair trade.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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