Xana Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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  Xana, a deity of lawful good alignment, graces the realms with the harmonious arts as the mistress of music, bards, inspiration, and poetry. Her divine essence is symbolized by a silver lute—an emblem of creativity, the uplifting power of melodies, and the benevolent force that guides mortals in their pursuit of artistic expression and inspiration.   As the muse of creativity, Xana revels in the order and beauty that ensues when the arts flourish. Her influence is felt in the enchanting melodies that captivate audiences, the inspiring words that fuel the imagination, and the harmonious coexistence between artistic expression and benevolence.   Followers of Xana engage in acts of artistic creation and inspiration, seeking to uplift and inspire others through the power of music and poetry. Temples dedicated to the goddess often feature depictions of silver lutes, creating spaces where worshippers can immerse themselves in the benevolent and creative embrace of Xana's influence.   In the realms touched by Xana's influence, the arts become a benevolent force, leaving cultures enriched by the beauty of music, poetry, and inspiration. Her worshippers understand that in the pursuit of creativity and benevolence lies a lawful good commitment to harmony, where the silver lute symbolizes the harmonious and uplifting nature of Xana's influence.

Holy Books & Codes

Followers of Xana, known as Melodists, revere the "Harmonic Scrolls." This melodic text contains teachings on the beauty of music, the art of inspiration, and the poetic expression of emotions. Melodists seek to spread joy through music and inspire others with their creative endeavors.

Tenets of Faith

Melodists adhere to the tenets of music, bards, inspiration, and poetic expression. Xana's teachings inspire followers to appreciate the beauty of music, engage in the art of inspiration, and express emotions poetically. Devotees are encouraged to spread joy through their musical talents, inspire others with creativity, and contribute to the uplifting power of artistic expression.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Xana seeks to establish a world where the beauty of music is appreciated, inspiration flourishes, and emotions are expressed poetically. Melodists are tasked with spreading joy through their musical talents, inspiring others with creativity, and contributing to the uplifting power of artistic expression. Xana's influence inspires followers to play a crucial role in the cultural enrichment of the world.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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