Zera Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using NightCafe
  Zera, a deity of chaotic neutral alignment, reigns over the realms as the mistress of war and fighters. Her divine essence is symbolized by crossed battle axes over a shield—an emblem of chaos in battle, the unbridled spirit of warriors, and the unpredictable force that guides mortals in their pursuit of martial prowess and conflict.   As the harbinger of war, Zera revels in the chaos that ensues when the clash of battle echoes through the lands. Her influence is felt in the unbridled ferocity of fighters, the unpredictable nature of conflict, and the harmonious coexistence between the chaotic and the martial.   Followers of Zera engage in acts of martial prowess, seeking to embrace the chaos of battle and revel in the unbridled spirit of conflict. Temples dedicated to the goddess often feature representations of crossed battle axes over shields, creating spaces where worshippers can immerse themselves in the chaotic and martial embrace of Zera's influence.   In the realms touched by Zera's influence, war becomes a chaotic and unpredictable force, leaving battlefields marked by the unbridled spirit of fighters. Her worshippers understand that in the pursuit of martial prowess and conflict lies a chaotic neutral commitment to chaos, where crossed battle axes over a shield symbolize the relentless and unpredictable power of Zera's domain.

Holy Books & Codes

Followers of Zera, known as Battlekin, revere the "Warrior's Scroll." This martial text contains teachings on the art of war, the valor of fighters, and the disciplined pursuit of combat prowess. Battlekin seek to embrace the martial spirit and contribute to the strength of armies.

Tenets of Faith

Battlekin adhere to the tenets of war and the valor of fighters. Zera's teachings inspire followers to embrace the martial spirit, display valor in combat, and pursue disciplined combat prowess. Devotees are encouraged to contribute to the strength of armies, engage in honorable combat, and uphold the principles of martial discipline.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Zera seeks to establish a world where the martial spirit is embraced, fighters display valor, and disciplined combat prowess is valued. Battlekin are tasked with contributing to the strength of armies, engaging in honorable combat, and upholding the principles of martial discipline. Zera's influence inspires followers to play a crucial role in fostering a world where the art of war is respected, and fighters are revered for their valor.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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