Zykirie Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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  Zykirie, a deity of true neutral alignment, once a powerful dragon, now assumes a greater responsibility as the arbiter of fate and guardian of dragons in the aftermath of the realmswar. Her divine essence, symbolized by an unblinking draconic eye, remains an emblem of cosmic balance, destiny and the impartial force that guides mortals and dragons through the twists of fate. Astriel, the all-father, recognized Zykirie's wisdom and impartiality in the wake of the realmswar, entrusting her with the task of overseeing the delicate dance of destiny. Placed in command of fate and dragons, Zykirie revels not only in the interconnected destinies of mortals but also in the guardianship of dragons, a sacred duty bestowed upon her by Astriel.   In the temples dedicated to Zykirie, followers continue to engage in acts of acceptance and understanding, navigating the intricacies of fate and embracing the cosmic balance she now oversees. The unblinking draconic eye serves as a reminder not only of the impartial and intricate nature of Zykirie's influence but also of her commitment to guiding mortals and dragons through the ever-evolving realms.

Holy Books & Codes

Followers of Zykirie, known as Fateweavers, revere the "Tapestry Chronicle." This cosmic text contains teachings on the intricacies of fate, the interwoven destinies of mortals and dragons, and the impartiality of cosmic balance. Fateweavers seek to understand the delicate dance of destiny and embrace the cosmic balance.

Tenets of Faith

Fateweavers adhere to the tenets of fate and cosmic balance. Zykirie's teachings inspire followers to understand the delicate dance of destiny, appreciate the interwoven destinies of mortals and dragons, and embrace the impartiality of cosmic balance. Devotees are encouraged to navigate the intricacies of fate, acknowledge the interconnected destinies of all, and contribute to the harmony of cosmic balance.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Zykirie seeks to establish a world where the delicate dance of destiny is understood, the interwoven destinies of mortals and dragons are appreciated, and cosmic balance is embraced. Fateweavers are tasked with navigating the intricacies of fate, acknowledging the interconnected destinies of all, and contributing to the harmony of cosmic balance. Zykirie's influence inspires followers to play a crucial role in fostering a world where the tapestry of destiny is woven with understanding and acceptance.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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