Blight of Bones Military Conflict in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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Blight of Bones

The Conflict


This conflict came as a consequence of the Fall. For centuries, the undead accumulated in the dark recesses of the underground. While this occurred, the undead were infuriated with their state: weak to the sun, trapped underground, while the humans continued to grow and prosper. War-clans began to form, led by strategic skeletons. Zombies formed the brunt of the military force. The undead prepared to launch an attack on the surface world.


The first thrust of the Blight of Bones, or the Undead War, came to be known as the Deluge of Bones. Skeletons and zombies by the hundreds flooded out of the underground. They quickly overwhelmed nearby settlements of all sorts -- humans, testificates, and even Ender hauntings. Disadvantaged by the surprise attack, all sorts of armies of the living had to act quickly to defend themselves.


Numerous cities across the Overworld, generally confined to the Treehold area.

The Engagement

It became clear that defeating the undead would require the cooperation of every sapient race. For the first time in history, and about the last time since, Illagers had to fight side by side with Villagers, Enders had to abandon their indifference towards other races, and humans had to unite to defeat a common enemy. Out of the Blight of Bones arose many heroes and saints, chief among them being Peter the Dragonhearted. In the end, the undead were defeated, and they retreated to the dark corners of the world. The army of the living disbanded into their usual factions once more. The zombies and skeletons were no longer a threat. They were beaten too badly to be able to collect in such numbers least, we hope that is the case.


The undead population took a large toll, as most of their numbers had been poured into the ranks of their army. Many towns across the Overworld were destroyed in battle or as collateral damage, and had to be rebuilt. Treehold, the ground zero of the deciding battle in the war, become memorialized as a key place.


Among one of the greatest victories in the Blight of Bones was the Second Battle of Treehold, in which Peter of the House Chase fought and directed his army. He rose to fame as a powerful warrior, and upon the close of the war, he was crowned king of Treehold and earned the title of Dragonhearted. Thus began the medieval period in history, in what is referred to as the "Netherite Age" by historians.

Historical Significance


The Chase lineage is established, and rules throughout the Netherite Age.

In Literature

The famed writer and historian Garlogos the Great began a memoir of the war in 2 PPC. However, he died before he was able to finish it. The manuscript was picked up and completed by his student, Telemarga of Anatorca. She completed the memoir and published it under the name The Dragon's Day. Other writers composed their own accounts of the war, but The Dragon's Day is the best known and favored by historians.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Undead Defeated; Living Armies Victorious

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