Culling of Crowns - historical event Prose in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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Culling of Crowns - historical event


The Culling of Crowns, or Eventide Revolution, was a wave of anti-monarchical sentiment and action that spread across Tinir in the early Redstone Age. Spurred on by the assassination of Richard II, a push-back against monarchy and in favour of democracy rose up in many city-states across the world, especially around the Treehold area. Actors in such situations included organizations, resistance groups, sects, and individual players. It seemed that the slaying of a villainous king had ushered in a new era, and the will of the people trended towards a more equitable and representative system.


Not all actions in the Culling of Crowns were violent. In some areas, the public simply voiced their discontent with monarchs, and they demanded the reshaping of their ruling bodies into democratic systems. City-states and village coalitions began to form Parliaments and hold elections instead of abiding by the law of kings. These peaceful exchanges of power tended to occur in low-tension areas away from Treehold, which had become an epicenter of political strife.
In Treehold itself and many surrounding jurisdictions, however, calls for reformation because cries for revolution. All things royal became the target of revolutionaries. Castles were broken into and/or set on fire; royals were arrested and hanged, burned at the stake, or beheaded in front of fanatic crowds; suspected loyalists were attacked or lynched. This fervent killing of monarchs and associates earned the revolution its title of "Culling of Crowns." The rebels themselves called it the "Eventide Revolution" in reference to how it was the evening of an era (the medieval epoch). In some areas, the captured wealth of monarchs was distributed to the public and led to the creation of proto-socialist communities; most of such communities formed in the remote far west of Treehold. As the wave of anti-monarchical ideology radiated out from Treehold, many royals read the room and fled before they could be captured. While many managed to escape to safety, others were targeted by particularly determined actors. The practice of ferreting out escaped bluebloods became known by the deadly euphemism, "grand game hunting."
Oddly enough, anti-monarchism largely overlooked the religious sphere. Clergy were usually spared the rope or axe. Initiaist churches tended to invoke St. Elwyyn's teachings against violence, in an attempt to discourage the faithful from taking part in the Culling. Pukleshi religious leaders cited various passages in the Canon in support of the crown, saying that Almar alone determines who is fit to rule. While it may have persuaded some religious people to stay out of the situation, the Revolution proceeded nonetheless.


Because it was such a far-flung event that took place in many diverse areas, the Culling of Crowns had different consequences depending on location. In some places, the rebels were successful in removing the monarchy and implementing more democratic systems. In others, revolutionary plots were foiled or royalty escaped and found their way back, and the rebels were arrested or executed.
In any case, the Culling of Crowns/Eventide Revolution signalled the end of an era. The time of kings and queens was over in many places, and the people desired to rule themselves.


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