Peter’s Crown Item in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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Peter’s Crown

“... and here we have the crown of King Peter...”
Piglins gifted this unique, artisanal crown to Peter Chase the Dragonhearted and his family at the close of the Blight of Bones. It was their gesture of gratitude for his role in defeating the undead. Peter wore it at public functions and passed it down to his descendants.   After the death of Richard the Bloody, the crown was donated to the Haxgate Museum, where it remained until the establishment of Treehold University. At that point, the crown returned to it’s home in the castle, where it is displayed prominently, sitting on the throne.   There is a story that the crown will always fit the true heir to the Chase throne. Some believe this to simply be monarchist propaganda, as no experts or archmages have detected any trace of magic upon it. However, there is also no record of the crown ever needing adjusting for any member of the Chase dynasty, leading to some doubt.

Manufacturing process

The crown was forged by Piglin metallurgists, likely by pouring gold into a mould and beating it into shape on a smithing table. The gems were inset using Piglin jewelling techniques.   The crown was then delicately engraved with ornate dragons, their bodies wrapping around the circuference with raised wings.


It symbolises the end of the Blight of Bones, the union between Nether and Overworld, and the Chase Dynasty as a whole. The only member of the Chase lineage to not wear it was King Richard II.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
~2 lbs
Raw materials & Components
Peter's crown is made from solid Nether gold. It has a prominent diamond in front flanked by two emeralds, and bits of obsidian are set around its circumference.

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