Ravager Species in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Ravagers are a bovine species known for their size, destructive capabilities, and tremendous strength. They have thick limbs with prominent scapulae and pelvic crests. The exterior is covered by a layer of tough skin and fine hair. Ravagers are usually have dark grey or brown hair. Rumour has it that selective breeding may expose new coat patterns. They have thin, flexible tails with a tuft of bristly hair. The most prominent features on a ravager is its large, blunt face and long curved horns. Ravagers have a ridge on their snouts and a heavy brow line, which gives them a somewhat similar appearance to the Illagers who tame them.
Both male and female ravagers have horns. The horns on males, however, are longer and sharper. Female ravagers' horns tend to curl back more.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ravagers mate and produce offspring in the same was as common cattle. Baby ravagers do not have horns when they are born.

Ecology and Habitats

Being a bovine, ravagers are native to plains regions. They prefer a temperate climate, low humidity, and plenty of open space to run.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ravagers are herbivores as any other bovine is. They get most of their food by grazing. Tame ravagers are usually fed hay, grain meal, melons, and pumpkins. They also drink a lot of water.

Additional Information


While there still are wild ravagers in many parts of the world, illagers have tamed the species for their own use. Especially popular with Pillagers, the creatures are used as riding mounts, attack animals, and beasts of burden. They are a favoured mount for illagers to use during raids, because of their strength and destructive capabilities.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They live in the wild in most plains and savannah regions if said areas are large enough to sustain a herd.

Average Intelligence

Ravagers are rather dull, although they can be trained as a riding mount and taught to attack certain targets.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ravagers have all the standard senses. They have poor vision, especially as frontal vision, so they rely on smell and sound as sensory imputs.
Although they are not terribly fast animals as a rule, ravagers can gain lots of momentum when running and build up their speed. This adds to the devastation of their attacks, as they slam into their targets with the built-up kinetic energy. Charging ravagers have been known to smash through solid wood, metal gates, and even stone walls.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Several small pests can irritate ravagers, such as flies, gnats, mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. They use their tails to swat away insect pests, but naturally they cannot shield themselves against everything.
Scientific Name
Syncerus depraedorae
20 years
Average Height
2.2 m (at shoulder)
Average Weight
590 kg
Average Length
5 m

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