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Seth Rivera

Seth Rivera is many things; an explorer, a researcher, and a Creative, but he is NOT a tomb robber!

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Seth is a fairly trim and wiry young man, his body toned through years of parkour.

Physical quirks

  • Left-handed
  • Near-sighted; needs glasses

Special abilities

With the Creative Star pendant, Seth has access to a number of abilities.
  • Survivability: Seth can go nearly twice as long as a normal human without food, water, or air.
  • Flight: Seth can fly unaided at will, provided he isn’t tied down.
  • Creation: Seth can create any material he might need at the moment, and then return it to the Void when he is finished. However, he cannot create or destroy precious materials, such as diamond, or unbreakable ones, such as bedrock.
  • Enhanced Durability: Seth is highly resistant to damage, having once taken a blast of TNT to the face and walked away comically covered in soot down his front.


  • Mortality: Seth is still very much mortal, and is thus susceptible to things like old age and any other method of dying.
  • Exhaustion: Seth’s durability can be worn down
  • Separation from Pendant: Seth’s Creative powers will immediately cease to function if he is separated from his pendant.

Apparel & Accessories

Seth is generally seen wearing a black shirt with a gold hourglass design, grey shorts, checkered shoes, and fingerless gloves. He's also been known to wear a thin red leather jacket over a white T shirt with jeans and boots
For formal wear Seth prefers a blue suit with a white shirt and gold tie.
Seth’s primary accessories are a golden founder's cape (with a black Creeper face on the back), glasses, and a Creative Star pendant

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Seth is a cisgender male


Demiromantic Bisexual


Seth is employed at the main headquarters for the Explorer’s League in Haxgate City

Accomplishments & Achievements

Recieved the Creative Star

Mental Trauma


Morality & Philosophy

Seth tends to sway between Lawful Neutral and Neutral Good


Seth absolutely and flatly REFUSES to sell unique artifacts or treasures, and abhors disrespecting the dead. “It’s bad enough the dead walk around every night-can we treat their graves with a modicum of respect and dignity please?”

Personality Characteristics


To explore and learn more about the world around him.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Seth is rather good when it comes to parkour, generally preferring a variant involving hooking a pickaxe around a pole to turn, as well as flying. However, he's horrible at timed trials.

Likes & Dislikes

Seth dislikes spiders, to the point where seeing one will trigger an arachnophobic panic response.


Seth bathes every day, whether in a river or in his home shower. However, he will generally end up covered in a layer of sand or dust by the end of the day.


Contacts & Relations

  • Explorer’s League-Employers/allies

Family Ties

  • Rivera family

Religious Views

While Seth acknowledges the existence of the Initiator’s pantheon, he is technically agnostic.

Social Aptitude

Seth generally doesn’t much care for larger crowds, being much happier covered in sand in some ancient dungeon or tomb.


Seth is generally polite to those he doesn’t know. To those he is comfortable being with, he becomes playfully sarcastic.   Seth tends to use his hands a lot when his emotions run high. The stronger his emotions, the wider his gestures become.

Hobbies & Pets

Seth has a pet wolf which goes with him everywhere named Scout.


Seth generally rather relaxed in his speech, particularly around close friends, and will typically speak his mind. He has a mild desert accent, which strengthens when his temper rises.   Seth has also developed a habit of slipping into Endspeech when cursing people out-though he refrains from doing so around Enders.

Wealth & Financial state

Seth can be considered high middle class, due to the modest sum he makes as a member of the EL.
Current Status
On a mission to prevent the Endstone Age
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Bearer of Light of Creation
  • Top Adventurer of the Explorer’s League
  • Second in Command of the Explorer’s League
Turavus Oasis
Current Residence
Explorer’s League HQ, Haxgate City
Hazel brown, oval
Brown, cut short at the back, spiked lightly towards the front
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned
6’1” (185 cm)
160 lbs (72.6 kg)
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • “I know patience is a virtue... but you’re seriously testing mine!”
Known Languages
  • Common (Desert accent)
  • Low Enderspeech
  • Sign Language

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