Ki (he/him) Character in Tinkering | World Anvil
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Ki (he/him)

Ki (he/him) (a.k.a. Killer)

Ki, whose name is originally Killer given by those who built him, adapted his name to gain power over his own life that isn't focused on killing. He is a warforged soldier who met Ghanok & Maggie in Delethorn tyring to spread the word and understanding of the state of warforged all over the continent.

Ki is a tall thin warforged made from metal who likes to dress in a elaborate clothes like a dramatic trenchcoat and a tophat. He wears a dragonmark symbol on the back of his left hand.


The players & Ki

Ghanok and Maggie learned from Ki that the warforged were build and that they were made for the Last War by the house Cannith. They had no control, power or choices over what they had to do, what their name would be and that after the war they were discarded by their owners. They are now fighting for their rights and place in this world, where one of the biggest spokespersons of them is Zero, who is one of the first built warforged. Next to fighting for the warforged they are fighting for all that have no power or voice to get a foothold in this world, like the Goaliths might probably be.


While not fighting constantly Ki likes a good natured battle. When invited by Ghanok to a friendly battle to learn about how warforged battle, he inclined but didn't expose secrets of what weaknesses of his species are. He enjoyed the fight and the bonding with Ghanok.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Identifies as man.




Working for Zer0, for the equality cause, sometimes taking jobs on the road to be able to pay for his travels.

Mental Trauma

As most Warforged Ki was forced to fight in the war and was quite good at his job. After the war he was left for trash and without purpose, being haunted by the people he killed without thinking of the reasons for it. He is working through his feelings of powerlessness and the consequences of the action he was forced to do.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ki is very smart and has a way with words. While traveling he noticed that he can be more than just a fighter, altering his name from killer to ki. He started learning how he could use his words for better and has begun with uttering out some tunes to even heal people.


Extremely upset when other people are used of abused.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Loves fighting for fun, if it's consensual, music, dancing   Hates being hurt, drunk people


Deadly, driven, loyal

Current Location
The Cog Carnival @Sharn
Current Status
Spreading the message of equality & searching for missing warforged
Current Location
Current Residence
2 meters

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