Oalin Character in Tinkering | World Anvil
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The archdruid Oalin, an awakened greatpine is the spiritual leader of the Eldeen Reaches.
Ghanok & Maggie met Oalin, who was sick at that time with leaves falling and a rotten black stroke in his bark. They helped defeat black magic users who had taken up multiple spots in the gloaming, which seemed to be the cause of Oalin's sickness. They left him looking slightly better.


The children of nearby clans come into adulthood by seeking a blessing from Oalin, getting to know the history of the creation of Eberron.

Oalin knows the Goaliath clan located in the mountains near the Demon Wastes and seems to have met the father of Ghanok, Ghondrax.
Ruled Locations

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