Session 12: I'm never eating jello again! Report in Tinkering | World Anvil
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Session 12: I'm never eating jello again!

General Summary

Welp! Maggie died! And came back as a shadowy goddess? WHAT?! Also a healthy dose of character bonding, choices that might be regretted later and planning is something that nobody does anymore right?  

Part 1

  • Purple fungi stuff
  • Character bonding at it's finest *hearts*
    • Maggie shares about her search for answers about the silver flame
    • Osiris shares his history as a general, having to leave behind his troops and his fall from mountain, resulting in a head injury with lots of gaps in his memory. He is now searching for the remains of his troop.
    • Ghanok shares the story about the massacre of his clan and about his search for - and the difficult relationship with - his father
  • They meet back up with Dalin d'Vadalis, receive 700 gp for the airship search and receive 700 gp for accepting his assignment to figure out what happened to his house member, up in Sharn, Breland. With the last he gives the information that he has a contact in Sharn, a seargant who has information about the safehouse the house member was supposed to go to, and that Dalin and the party will keep tabs on each other via the sending stones, and he will let his contact know when to pick them up from the lightning rail station.
  • Maggie figures out a plan of attack, they are planning to go to Arcanix for some answers, from there to Passage where they will get the train to Sharn and after completing the quest there they will go to Droaam.
  • Ghanok sells some of his stuff and sweet talks the shop owners in giving him just a bit more.
  • Maggie figured out the gauntlets were cursed (with the help of Dorxif, the town artificer) and she was losing her hands.
  • In a attempt to save her hands they tried to travel in a fast way to Arcanix, a school of magic in Aundair, but due to the wildness of the magic of Maggie she created a portal that spit them out in a desert instead, resulting in throwing all the pre-made plans out of the sandy wind.
  • The desert was revealed to be in Droaam and they found the city of Graywall, also known as the City of Beasts, were they were surprised to find ogre's, orc's, goblins and a whole assortment of creatures they don't normally see out of a battle.
  • Ghanok reveled in the joy of using his Giant language and had a conversation with the Ogre in that language. The ogre told them to find The Mush, were the owner could help with the cursed gauntlets.
  • In the Mush they meet Silvius, a black thiefling with red eyes, who helps Maggie to release the curse, breaking the gauntlets in doing so.
  • Dalin contacted Ghanok via sending stone, asking where the hell they were. Grumpy he asked for their plans and if they still were going to Sharn.
  • They go to The Bloody Bones, a pub that Silvius told Maggie that she could find lycanthropes at. There they walked into the middle of a bar full of lycanthropes and Maggie ended up talking to the pack leader, explaining that she war here for information about the silver flame. The pack leader is suspicious and wants the party to prove their worth before telling them anything. He sends them to the sewers under the city, where multiple pack members from different packs were found shred to pieces, the reasons how and why unknown. He wants them to find out what is causing this and kill it. They agree to do it, but have a nights rest first so they can battle fresh as daisies!
  • In to the sewers! Fluffy purple fungi attacked, and got smashed.

Part 2

After a night of real life rest, because we need to sleep too, the adventure went on, in the sewers!  
  • Sneaky nets, trapping them on the ground
  • Killer Gelatinous cube
  • 3 tiny gnomes-like creatures with blooddripping hats, damn hurtful iron boots and huge-ass sickles! (compared to them at least)
  • They find multiple bodies and loot, loot, loot
  • The appearance of a Monodrone, Joe, when Maggie tried to magic away the net (which failed), and a lovely conversation with this mighty interesting creature, whose name is Joe and he resides in Fairhaven were he works with a artificer on his inventions .. before he dissapeared with a *pop* again.
  • Maggie gets swallowed by a jelly cube
  • Everybody gets in cuddle-contact range of the jelly cube
  • Everybody gets sucked into the jelly cube (OMG WHAT? Such a surprise!)
  • And then everything went downhill... Maggie hurt, Osiris hurt, Ghanok escaping (pfew).. but the other two fall unconscious.. stuck inside the slurping cube...
  • Ghanok attacks.. with Maggie and Osiris still within the wiggly jiggly cube.. and hurting Maggie instead of the cub, resulting in Maggie seeming to have trouble to stay alive... (oh nooooo)
  • Ghanok manages to free Maggie from the cube.. just in time to see her breathe her last breath and fall still... dead...
  • Maggie's body gets wrapped in shadows and is being lifted up into the air, her eyes open and 2 black pools are looking out, her body stretches and 2 black skeletal wings come out of her and a wave of shadows dive towards the cube. Ghanok sees on Maggie's head a crown of thorns, just before it flickers.. and dissapears.
  • Maggie is alive.. but different.
  • The party goes in revenge mode and hacks and whips it untill it's now just a puddle of goo on the floor!
  • During a bit of rest Maggie tells the others that she was in a different plain, between life and death, where she met a woman who told her she was destined to be more and they had more in store for her then dying right now. She was told not to trust everything she thinks she remembers. The woman gave her a choice, to return to the land of the living, or move on to the world beyond.
  • Osiris finds a wand that makes people scowl *grumpy face*
  • They hear sounds coming from the halls opposite from them, and see 3 tiny figures appear, with sickles and red hats that drip something red. They all wear iron boots.
  • Apparantly those boots are hella strong, cause they hurt like a son-of-a-gorgon
  • They poke and prod the creatures untill they are being pinned into the grounds by javelins or killed by a head blown up!
  • They take a rest and search some of the items they found
    • Maggie figures out she has a cloak of the bat and a (incomplete) deck of illusion cards
    • Ghanok figures out he has found boots of elvenkind and a magical spice bag
    • Osiris figures out that the ointment they found on the ship is a healing ointment, named Keoghtom's Ointment, which besides healing, helps to get rid of poison or disease.

Rewards Granted

  • 4 cp, 45 sp
  • 1 copper ring
  • Soap
  • Small chest filled with 10 parchment, ink, ink pen & a tiny silver skull of bird
  • 1 net (10 ft) of metal-like material
  • Boots of elvenkind
  • Silver flask with a intriquete design (pirate-ish)
  • Flute
  • Magical pouch that makes spices
  • Couple of torches
  • 70 sp
  • Wand of scowls
  • Empty backpack
  • Healers kit
  • Oil flask
  • 3 sets of iron boots made for small creatures

Missions/Quests Completed

Airship quest - 1000 gp received in total

Character(s) interacted with

  • Dalin d'Vadalis
  • Nameless Ogre
  • Sylvius (owner of The Mush)
  • Pack leader in The Bloody Bones
Old Eberron Campaign
Report Date
12 Sep 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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