Session 15: Devils Delight Report in Tinkering | World Anvil
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Session 15: Devils Delight

General Summary

Holy hell what just happened! Dissapearing, fighting, talking cats and a group of orc's! What's next?!


    • One big ass demonic creature
    • Spined creatures
    • Imps



    • Ghanok wears his Robe of Usefull Items
    • After the mist lifts up Em has dissapeared and from the portal multiple creatures appear
    • Maggie uses a card from her deck of many things, distracting some of the creatures
    • The big creature seems to have multiple dangerous attacks
    • Ghanok, Maggie & their spirit sidekicks madly fight for their lives
    • Maggie almost kills Ghanok, who was hidden behind the big baddie
    • Eventually, with a flourish, Ghanok beheads the big baddie and despite one of the smaller ones becoming invisible in trying to flee Ghanok catches it and squelches it!
    • The spirits dissapear after saying goodbye
    • After the fight a magical cat appears, bringing a telepathic message
The events that happend here tonight have a big possibility to have a negative effect on this world. The only way to save it is to find three distinct spheres, once made by powerful beings. You'll need to collect these orbs to be able to save the world.
    • The spheres which are relics of dragonkind, have been lost for ages. In this world there are a lot of people who seek and investigate the mysteries of the spheres. The cat warns people will be in their way but can't give information about where the spheres are or what they have to do with the orbs.
    • After the conversation they notice they've been surrounded by a group of orc's, who inform them they need to come with them. They have been send by the Lady of the Land. Maggie & Ghanok decide they will go along as the group is quite big.

Rewards Granted

Milestone: Lvl up (V)
9 spines from a creature
Old Eberron Campaign
Report Date
25 Oct 2021
Primary Location

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