Session 16: What? I'm not that smart! Report in Tinkering | World Anvil
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Session 16: What? I'm not that smart!

General Summary

Scaring each other, practicing magic with interesting side effects, meeting new people and being charming as fuck on the right times (so lucky!)  


  • The orc's


  • Maggie & Ghanok get taken by the group of Orc's, who take all their stuff
  • Maggie tries to use her wild magic to communicate telephatic with Ghanok, resulting in the appearance of two jellyfish-like creatures, who float away when they see her. Ghanok & Maggie get hints of each other emotions, which for Ghanok is just a feeling of something weird
  • Ghanok tries to scare the orc's in using one of his powers, but in this also scares Maggie who instinctively puts up her necrotic shroud scaring the orc's & ghanok in return. 
  • A fight ensues and while in the beginning Maggie & Ghanok have the overhand it soon turns around and results in Maggie becoming unconscious and Ghanok surrendering. They are cuffed and taken to the wagon of the Orc's.
  • Outside the seemingly simple wagon turns out to be magically hiding cells and provisions.
  • In one of the other cells is another prisoner, Illiana who is an archelogist who was in the ruins investigating and overpowered by the black mist before being overpowered by the group of orc's.
  • Maggie decides the spell she tried before to communicate with Ghanok could be usefull in the future and practices multiple times in hopes of getting better at it. The practice results in some wicked stuff happening, she gets a temporary third eye in her forehead (which dissapeared after a while), she turns 4 years older with a lock of gray hair appearing and some wrinkles appearing on her face.
  • After a while the spell gets a better hold and Maggie decides to use the words Breaky Breaky to start a conversation and Over to conclude a message. 
  • The orc's set up a campsite and they learn a couple of new stuff. Maggie persuades a guard to pee outside and notices they are in a quiet enviroment and near a deserted road. Ghanok gets chummy (with the help of some money) with his guard Dral resulting in a enlightening conversation. He learns that the orc's are following their leader who fixes that they get payed and cared for. The orc's mostly capture or kill creatures, they almost never sell them. When the orc guard is about to tell where they're going towards he is reprimended by his boss, and he tells the boss Ghanok has money which is taken away by the boss.
  • While Maggie was practicing the spell again her wild magic resulted in magic missiles flying around in the camp hitting Ghanok and a couple of guards. The big boss comes along asking what the hell is happening and Maggie (with some grace of gods) convinces him that she sneezed and that this sometimes happens.
  • Ghanok recieves a small sandwich in the form of an axe, probably received from Dral the guard. 
  • They perceive on the next day that they are on a road which is leading away from graywall. The chaos that was inside the city is also noticable on the roads, allthough the further they are the less it seems to be.
  • After a lot of travel they arrive in a city that seems to be inside a cave or mountain, completely inside. On the roads they mostly see Goblins, orcs, harpies, knolls and such. Here and there a human is spotted. Illeana recognizes the city as the Great Crag.
  • They enter a big hallway filled with lava on the sides and a throne on the end. A woman sits on the throne and they are taken before her. The woman inquires why the whole nation experienced a black out.
  • Ghanok & Maggie explain what happened and seem to charm her. Ghanok ask the womans name. She tells its Sora Katra, one of the leaders of this continent and one of the daughters of Sora Kel. Maggie asks what is the plan of Sora Katra for them, and they are taken towards a dinner room for a civilized conversation.
  • Sora Katra asks what their intentions in Droaam are and after Maggie explains her intentions and Illeana telling she just wants to learn about the history of Droaam she tells the group that Droaam is at war with Breland, their neighbouring nation. An train explosion happened in Breland which Breland thinks is the fault of Droaam. After this Breland attacked.
  • They get a new quest to seek the real culprits of the train explosion. She expects this is being done from high up, so she needs to know the names of who is guilty. She advices to look into Wroat, where the explosion happened and which is the capital of the King of Breland. 
  • Ghanok FINALLY finds someone who is just as happy about dead squirrels as he is and Sora Katra accepts them and hangs them from her belt. 
  • Illeana accepts the question if she wants to go with them, if she can keep any archeoligy things they find. 
  • Ghanok gets advice to visit Sabaza Shop, as he loves weird stuff.
  • They go into the city and find a potions shop called The Sphinx Oils and Elixers. They learn that the price of healing potions have gone up because of the battle. A normal healing potion is now 150 gp, greater healing 500 gp and superior healing 1000 gp. Ointment is now 200 gp. Ghanok uses one of his patches to make 4 potions of healing, selling two of them to the seller.
  • They search for a wagon for their travel and decide to buy a medium comfortable one, which is sold for 500 gp. After negotiating they buy it for 480 gp (160 gp p/p).

Rewards Granted

  • 66 platinum (down payment quest)
  • 10 platinum (which is taken away by the Orc boss)
  • Disguise kit
  • 67 platinum (down payment quest)

Missions/Quests Completed

Started quest
They get a new quest to seek the real culprits of the train explosion. She expects this is being done from high up, so she needs to know the names of who is guilty. She advices to look into Wroat, where the explosion happened and which is the capital of the King of Breland. (200 platinum down payment received)

Character(s) interacted with

  • Dral (orc guard)
  • Illeana (prisoner)
  • Sora Katra (one of the leaders of Droaam)
Old Eberron Campaign
Report Date
06 Nov 2021
Primary Location

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