Session 17: Well hello... OH SHIT! Report in Tinkering | World Anvil
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Session 17: Well hello... OH SHIT!

General Summary

New friends, a long journey ahead, border patrol hick-ups and surprise giant guardians!  
  • 6 Worgs (hyena like-creatures)
  • 4 Giant Goats (peacefull solution with pixie-box)
  • Mage guard & big ass metallic guardian
  • Met up with Osiris and met a new adventerer; Finnri the Destoryer. Osiris tells about a voice in his head calling him but not being able to find who it is that is calling him. In his travels he met up with an old friend, Finnri. 
  • Bought enough food and snacks for the way (important!)
  • Began the travel from the Great Crag to Wroat in Breland, traveling with 3 horses and a newly bought cart. On the way they saw the consequences of the war, dead bodies and wounded traveling. Finnri uses his time to heal people along the way.
  • Came across 4 giant goats which Ghanok remembered his pixie box being able to ward of natural beasts.
  • Came up to the border to Breland which was heavily guarded and after the question of why they want to cross the border they told of Maggie's sick mother you were to visit... No! the house you were investigating and searching for... Or the quest for more information about the silver flame?!... and to end it Osiris showed his military insignia to try to persuade the guards to let them enter. With these very different stories they were denied entry and send away.
  • After a couple of hours searching they found a different path up into the mountains. While trying to sneakily come up the mountain path they got a shock when they were all attacked (which knocked the horses unconscious, oh no!) by a Mage up above. Illiana put up a prayer of healing for the horses while the rest went up to fight him!
  • Ghanok cleverly using his robe of many patches uses the Ladder patch to climb up to the mage and atta- OH SHIT he's not alone! There's a big-ass metal guardian as well!
  • Finnri falls unconscious, is rescued by Ghanok after which Osiris falls unconscious as well followed closely by Maggie. After being bloodied and beaten, the Mage walks up to Ghanok & Finnri, advising them to retreat and not come back if they want to remain alive. Ghanok agrees and asks to retreat with the unconscious two as well. Osiris began to wake up and utters his protest but Ghanok slaps him back into unconciousness. After walking a bit down he heals Osiris with a healing potion, as well as Maggie. 
  • After setting up camp they hear a voice coming from the bag of holding. Ghanok retrieves the Sending Stone they received from Dalin d'Vadalis who asks how the quest for his missing house member is going. After explaining what happened Ghanok asks if Dalin could help them cross the boundry. After a begruntled agreement Dalin says he will pull some strings. After hearing the party might go to Wroat for an investigation of the train explosion Dalin tells them he will cut down the price of the reward for the quest with 300gp per week extra it will take them to start. 

Rewards Granted

  • 1 silver ring
  • Voice of breland article
  • Half eaten sausage
  • 13 silver
  • 5 mushrooms
  • 25 gp, 48 sp
  • Sentinel Shield
  • 25 gp, 142 sp
Fought: Worg fight 600 xp (5 person fight) Goats nibbling on dead people 400 xp, sollution non-fight. 5 persons 1 mage guard 2300 xp & 1 shield guardian 2900 xp - 5200 xp
Old Eberron Campaign
Report Date
29 Dec 2021

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