Session 18: A scorpion tail to the head! Report in Tinkering | World Anvil
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Session 18: A scorpion tail to the head!

General Summary

Clever fighting, personal development, questions answered resulting in more questions...  
  • 4 Giant Scorpions
  • During the night, in a campment under the mountain they were bloodied, during Ghanok's watch he sees a couple of eyes in the distance which dissapear shortly after.
  • Learning from past experience Ghanok puts his Pixie Box on, keeping natural beasts at a distance. Luckily so as after a while 3 giant scorpions appear, who stay at the edge of where the pixie box music reaches them. Not thinking twice Ghanok screams SCORPIONS and runs up to attack them! Maggie tries to stop him with a mental message, as they are save within the radius of the pixie box, but as a result of her wild magic she dissapears the second she tries to do this.
  • Ghanok uses his Bag of Tricks and throws a tiny thing, which transforms into a Giant Elk, between two of the scorpions. From within the pixie box cirkle they attack the scorpions, while the scorpions are unable to come any closer. Maggie reappears after casting a magic spell. The giant elk dies after being attacked by the scorpions. After one of the scorpions is killed and a bit of frightfull magic from the mace of Illeana, the other two scorpions run away. 
  • Maggie tries to pull the tail of the scorpion off and after failing asks Osiris for help but they still fail. Ghanok comes to help and pulls the tail of without bother. Maggie tells Ghanok she wants to throw the tail in his face, and Ghanok appreaciates her honesty and gives her the tail. Maggie standing by her word throws the tail in his face damaging him and resulting in lessening her anger towards Ghanok. 
  • After traveling to the border they see the same guard stands watch. After conversing with Dalin via the Sending stone they know they have to asks for Halcraes Vadalis. The guard crankily agrees and walks away to get Halcreas. Maggie whistles after him and the guard lightens up a bit. 
  • Traveling with Halcraes they learn he is the nephew of Dalin. He tells them the war is going on for about 2 weeks now, but that a lot of bloodshed has been let allready. He tells them that as far as House Vadalis knows that the origin of the war has to do with the train explosion which killed the crownprince of Breland.  First investigation pointed towards Droaam and the King of Breland declared war upon this discovery. 
  • Halcraes tells the party they've secured an Airship to Sharn, which takes the wounded of the boundary to Sharn. The party agrees. 
  • Maggie tries to build upon her magic walkie-talkie spell to include Osiris and Finnri. While making a beginning with Osiris, Finnri feels a sharp pain in his head and receives psychic damage. While trying her magic a cloud of fog appears surrounding her. 
  • While in her fog cloud Maggie begins to fall back and as soon as the party sees they stop the horses and walk towards her. Ghanok and Finnri see Maggie starting to bleed from her wrists and she doesn't respond to their questions. After inspecting the wounds they see Maggie has multiple tiny cuts in her wrists and her ankles. While Maggie isn't responding Ghanok preceives she isn't scared and probably somewhere save. While Finnri starts to heal her wounds they see a new wound appear on her left hand palm. Shortly after this Maggie comes to, with a new dagger lying atop her. Maggie tells them she received a vision but she isn't ready to share. If she knows what it means she will share. Finnre heals her wounds, but scars remain. 
  • Maggie talks in her mind with Ghanok, sharing that in her vision she saw that the world is losing it's magic and will die because of this. People of magic have to give back magic and live to the world, in which the group will play a big role, at least this is how she interprets the vision she received. Ghanok asks if the dagger is special and Maggie responds that she only knows it is the Dagger of Thorns, but hasn't figured out what it does yet. 
  • After traveling for a couple of hours they arrive at the airship, which is surrounded by wounded, materials and lots of people. 
  • They can enter, but have to pay for the horses to come. 50 gp per horse and a 200 extra if they want to take the wagon with them. Illeana asks the party if she should travel ahead to Wroat, as she received that quest with Maggie & Ghanok. The party agrees and she takes one of the horses with her. 
  • On board Halcraes gives all of them a pamflet with some basic information about Sharn. The city is called the City of Towers and is built up in layers. Each of the layers has districts. The pamphlet has information about shops, faith's, education, research and many more. 
  • The captain tells they will be traveling two days to Sharn. During this time Osiris sneaks through the ship trying to find valuables. He finds a couple of things and finds a chest that makes noise. He tries to open it but the lock is too sturdy. Finrri takes this time to rest a bit. 
  • While Maggie and Ghanok try to go below to talk about the events of the last few days a voice comes from one of the rooms, asking if it is Ghondrax he hears. The voice belongs to a very old blind man who introduces himself as Eahtadan Gwamiel, after learning this is not Ghondrax. He tells Ghanok he was traveling with Ghondrax a couple of weeks back, from Fairhaven (Aundair). Sharing a drink Ghanok and Eahtadan talk about Ghondrax. Ghanok tells Eahtadan he has been searching for his father for a while. Eahtadan tells he was traveling with Ghondrax to Sharn, but they lost each other on the way. He tells that Ghondrax talked about his family with much love. Ghondrax told he had the feeling of being followed, but was on a quest to warn people high-up of coming dangers. Eathadan told Ghondrax was sometimes a bit manical, talking to himself while Eathadan swore no one was there. Ghondrax talked about searching for corruption while being hunted by the people trying to destroy the world. Eathadan is on his way to Sharn to display his art and inventions. Eathadan asks about Ghanok's family, and Ghanok is shocked to learn Ghondrax never told anything about the slaughtering of his clan. Eathadan falls silent and tells Ghanok he thinks that Ghondrax does not know this. Ghanok asks Eathadan if he knows anything about the black shards but Eathadan doesn't know anything about it. 
  • Osiris tries to talk to a noble-looking Hill Dwarf, and while he tries to alter his way of speaking in trying to learn more about Sharn, the hill dwarf is not amused and points him to the working people on this ship. 
  • Before entering Sharn Halcraes tells the party they will have a new contact, Sgt. Germaine Hawcorte. After being baffled by the beautifull view of Sharn they enter the Airship Hangar in the Upper Central Plateau, where they meet Sgt. Hawcorte. She tells the party she arranged a meeting with a Warforged name Coal, the next evening at Cog Carnival. Coal can tell them more about what happened with the person who they're looking for and they might be able to help find warforged that have gone missing. Cog Carnival is a bar located in Highwalls. She gives the party a writ of enforcement, which gives them the privelige to investigate in this city as if they are city guard. After being asked by Finnri if they should look out for things, Sgt. Hawcorte advises they keep their eyes open in the lower classes. She takes the party to a House where the contact of Dalin was supposed to go, where they take a moment of rest.

Rewards Granted

  • 9 gp, 21 sp, 49 cp
  • Oil of Slipperyness
Old Eberron Campaign
Report Date
27 Jan 2022

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