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Session 19: Stabby Business

General Summary

Unexpected guests, transformative death, looking upon a 5 headed monster and the ultimate betrayal!    


  • 2 shadowy creatures
  • 1 Hydra
  • Second Chance (Chan)


  • Maggie tells Ghanok about a vision about a positive and negative side which started to combine and she saw the world around the energies dying. Vines appeared around her and gripped her wrists and ankles, biting into her skin and bleeding her resulting in live returning to the world around her. She saw a big tree that was dying and beneath it found a dagger which when the vision ended came through with her to this world.
  • Ghanok tells Maggie he will be searching for his father in Sharn, as Ghondrax was traveling towards this place.
  • A cat-like stranger comes into the house, following shadow creatures. They help fight these creatures that seem to have come here for Maggie. The creatures attack visciously, centered on Maggie while keeping the other 2 at bay. With a stroke of bad luck Maggie becomes unconscious and one of the shadow figures picks her up to take her away. When that figure is bound by a spell the other creature decides to teleport towards the other two and end both Maggie and the other creature with their dagger. Maggie dies (oh dear, not again!)
  • The cat-like creature reveals themselves to be Second Chance, also known as Chan. They followed the shadow figures into this house. Chan tells Ghanok there is a possibility to revive Maggie, if he has enough money. Chan reveals to have a quest and, before seeing and following the creatures, was looking for people who could help them to defeat a monster in the Bank of Sharn. 
  • Ghanok asks Chan to look at a spellbook he has, as it is in a language Ghanok doesn't know. Chan reveals it to be a book written in Abysmal and it contains information about portals and the plains of eberron. 
  • Maggie's body is suddenly wrapped in vines and after a while transforms into a different body of an elf-like creature with long red hair and pointy ears. While the wounds Maggie had dissapeared, the same scars Maggie carried remain. She reveals to have been Maggie, with her memories but that certain things have changed. She will tell him more when she has figured out what is happening. She remains Maggie for now. Ghanok calls Maggie Fiddlestick and Maggie calls Ghanok "The Confused".
  • Maggie uses her "walkie-talkie" spell to talk to Ghanok in her head and as a result of her wild magic her skin turns a bright blue.
  • After a conversation they decide to carry on with the quest Chan received and go towards the bank of sharn. Chan told them the reward would be 3000 gp and that they received an deposit of 500 gp. They give Ghanok & Maggie 250 gp each for their willingness to help. The gold pieces are later revealed to be silver pieces painted gold. 
  • In the bank they find a lot of bodies and downstairs they find a Hydra. The faith's have turned from their bad luck earlier and in a decisive and fast way they kill the Hydra, dubbing Ghanok now the Hydrakiller.
  • After vanquishing the Hydra Maggie notices magic tries to penetrate her defences. She tries to find what it is but just before finding it out a twisted crown of jagged iron appears on her head which makes her attack Ghanok. Shortly after Chan also attacks Ghanok. Chan reveals to be after the shards Ghanok has and they try to kill Ghanok. Maggie shakes off the effect and Ghanok & Maggie together defeat Chan! But after a short while Chan comes back to life and with renewed energy attacks again!
  • After defeating Chan multiple times and finding a way to keep them contained Ghanok takes the shard of Chan and attunes with it and is now in possesion with a shard that can bring him back to life if he ever dies. 
  • After all this fighting they turn back home and take a short rest. 

Rewards Granted


  • Old notes
  • Signet stamp
  • 30 cp
  • 1 pp
  • Rod
  • 2x diamonds
  • Bone set dice
  • 1000 gp
  • Black shard (Ghanok)
  • Shortsword
  • Dagger
  • Cloak
  • Gloves
  • Potions of healing; 4 healing potions and 2 greater healing


  • Helm
  • Feather token
  • 300 sp
  • 500 cp
  • Thieves tools
  • Bracers of defence (from Chan's body)
Old Eberron Campaign
Report Date
05 Feb 2022

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