Session 7: Leeeeroy Jenkins! Report in Tinkering | World Anvil
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Session 7: Leeeeroy Jenkins!

General Summary

Darkness engulfed, flames were thrown, lightning appeared and planning an attack was disturbed by an enthusiastic new dragonborn walking into the clearly dark ritual!  


  • Fiery hound
  • Shadowy dementors
  • 2 frickin powerfull tieflings who were doing some dark shit
  • A glowy ghost who came out of a portal, hot damn!


  • Osiris, an blue dragonborn appeared and was send by Oalin to come help the group fight the dark forces. They learned he has a powerfull lighting breath!
  • The woods were becoming twisted and unnaturally dark, allerting all spidey senses about things going bump in here!
  • After a nervewrecking fight with close brushes with death, they learned the ritual that was being done here was to try to open up a portal to Mabar, the plane also known as endless night. Within the notes they found on one of the tieflings, they learned the ritual was for trying to give anybody the possibility to reanimate the dead, regardless of someone is a spellcaster or not.
  • They found a parchment with the planes of eberron, and learning the planes were tied with the 12 moons of eberron.
  • They learned the date, it's aryth, which means it's late autumn, in the year 998, 4 years after The Mourning.

Rewards Granted

Osiris: Golden ring   Milestone: Level up (IV)

Character(s) interacted with

Dusk Osiris


Old Eberron Campaign
Report Date
29 Jul 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Battlefield, c DiceGrimorium

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