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Session 9: Mechanical Madness

General Summary

Freaking spiders, shopping, artifi-what? and equal rights for all!   Fought:
  • Mechanical huge-ass spiders
  • Teeny tiny mechanical spiders
  • Ki, a warforged fighter - practice fight
  • In the early morning the party wakes up from screaming and chaos outside. Going outside they see two huge mechanical spiders & fought them. Osiris was at the Naked Peach and joined them in the fight.
  • The spiders had an option to release smaller spiders who healed them.
  • The mechanical spiders appeared to be from Dorxif, from Dorxif's Tinctures, who was working with the House Vadalis. He is an gnome artificer who had a love for the spiders and was very grateful to Ghanok for not killing the spider, but incapacitating it. Dorxif told the group the spiders were in a warehouse but they seemed possessed or something like that and escaped from there to wreak havoc on the town.
  • Dalin d'Vadalis, the head from the House Vadalis, came onto the street and the character saw a glowing tattoo after which he talked in a soothing voice and the spiders came to a rest.
  • After an angry start to a conversation with Dalin, they learned that the house have a connection with animals, and they were expanding this towards mechanical animal possibilities. Dalin walks with Maggie towards the Silly Quill to buy her a potion of healing, to make up the wounds she endured during the fight.
  • Dalin is impressed by the fighting the group can do and offers them possible work opportunities. He's staying at The Meighty Neign stables.
  • Met a whole lot of new people and went on a shopping spree, sold some items, got new and improved weapons, spell components, basic items and left happy and well.
  • Maggie & Osiris took a short rest to attune to the items they got from Oalin, at Greenheart. Maggie's pearl of power will be activated by the command "Bananas".
  • Ghanok has a conversation with Ki and asks him if he would be interested in a good natured battle, because the name warforged says to him they are forged for the war and he is curious about the fighting skills of the warforged. Ki agrees, but talks with him first about how the warforged were build and that they were made for the Last War by the house Cannith. They had no control, power or choices over what they had to do, what their name would be and that after the war they were discarded by their owners. They are now fighting for their rights and place in this world, where one of the biggest spokespersons of them is Zero, who is one of the first built warforged. Next to fighting for the warforged they are fighting for all that have no power or voice to get a foothold in this world, like the Goaliths might probably be.
  • Ki reveals his name is originally Killer, but he adapted it to Ki to gain power over his own life that isn't focused on killing. He tells that not all warforged are fighters or like to fight.
The group got new and/or improved weapons and materials.
  • Ghanok Gigandregh upgraded both his handaxe's and his javelin got an upgrade & Dorxif modified it so it would return to his hand if thrown.
  • Amitola Maheegan / Maggie got a new quarterstaff, which in combination with certain gemstones deals extra elemental damage.
  • Osiris bought a blunderbuss firearm and the javelin of lightning, which transforms into a lightning bolt when thrown, once a day.

/*   Warforged sharing */

Rewards Granted

Osiris: Periapt of wound closure

Character(s) interacted with

Ki, a warforged man who gave them information about the warforged & led them around the city
Dalin d'Vadalis, of the House Vadalis, giving information about the house 
Hjolmyl Stormpride, the owner of the fiery forge
Dorxif Tinkerton, a older gnome owner and artificer at dorxif's tinctures
Miaynore Bluefate, an old elven woman who owns the silly quill
Elirya, owner of Elirya's Emporium
Kavoon, a tiefling who owns the Floating Crow Outfitter
Old Eberron Campaign
Report Date
08 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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