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God of Choas   The satyr Xenagos fully indulges himself in the revels of the world. An agent of Choas born from the worlds darkest desires. Xenagos manipulates the mortal coil and the godly one at his pleasure to ensure the work towards the great revel. Known to randomly appear in the world or lay great schemes that provoke wars to even petty fueds Xenagos is said to be source of all conflict. As a god, Xenagos is associated as god of Satyrs and the Great Revvl the party to end the world . His domain encompasses indulgence, mischief, destruction, and mockery. He intends to spread his influence across the world until the whole plane is a never-ending rollick. The gods, meanwhile, fear not only his plans but also the thread his plans represents to their world.   Xenagos Influence To most mortals, Xenagos is Choas Itself, and the choas is Xenagos. The smallest bicker the largest mob and even the joy of a long days drink or the next all night party—all these are Xenagos's dominion. The World has many metaphorical aspects that Xenagos rules as well: Deciet, Greed, disdain, parties, and even choice .   Xenagos governs the rapid changes that happen by the passage of time, such as the political borders of the land small feelings you feel towards allies. Where Nylea controls the eternal cycle of the seasons and Kruphix monitors the flow of time, Xenagos is quick and fast always changing always scheming and as such never can be found on the same subject twice.   Thassa’s Goals While order rains supreme in heliods world and kruphix knows nothing but knowledge and wisdom. Xenagos wants nothing more but for the world to drown in its own pleasure. Xenagos indulges in all carnal pleasure and thinks of it as the true form humanity takes. His ultimate goal is have the world rapped into itself as a new form of choas. He wishes to create the worlds ultimate party one so big and choatic the world will end with it.   Divine Relationships Xenagos hates order and peace that his fellow gods push so hard for, most of whom have convinced themselves that they can impose peace through self governance. At the same time, his realm has no violence through its endless joy and choas and he believes that the changes he advocates are inevitable in the long term. So although Xenagos frequently disagrees with the other gods, he wishes to watch them all crumble in his chaos.   Heliod considers Xenagos a menace wanting nothing more then to have Xenagos erased from this world. Heliod has been known to send champions of light in pursuit of killing the god. Though never successful it has grown to a bitter hatred through the centuries as Xenagos adds each one to his endless party.   Xenagos and Magis are tied hand in hand. Both born of the dark desires of humanity and the primal urges that all men lead. Xenagos is known to stir parties into a frenzy as Magus creates the bloodlust. They are instrumental in most mobs and gatherings of protest.   Xenagos has little use for the gods who oversee work he believes mortals should have final say: Ephara with her cities, Karametra with her fields, Pharika with her tinctures, Iroas with his armies. To Xenagos’s mind, his peers are building castles in the sand, unaware or unmindful that choas will tear it down as quickly as they built it.   Worshiping Xenagos Most of Xenagos’s dedicated worshipers are satyrs, and the vast majority of satyrs are wholly devoted to Xenagos. Satyrs spend most of there lives pulled by Xenagos's pull dragging them towards madness. The ones who give are given endless joy and choas as the are one with the madness Xenagos's exhumes.   Among humans, Xenagos is beloved by the younger generations often given tribute before parties or gatherings to ensure a great party or event. It is rumored he will even join if the party catches his eye. He rarely chooses champions but the ones he does choose are given the manipulation and charm of him. Making most bards perfect fits for Xenagos.   The followers of Xenagos Travel town to town preaching his good will. Convincing people to drink tell they near death allowing them to cross into the realm between where Xenagos waits offering them his salvation.

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