The Shatterfall

The Shatterfall was an apocalyptic event that took place in Tir na Laochra shortly before the Unfurling punctuating the Great Discord. The event occured at the peak of a particularly violent clash between the Guardians of Tir na Laochra, and their awakening counterparts. Exactly what befell the endless vale, is still much debated among scholars, even with the ability to bend the timeways and actually visit the event, there is little to no consensus on the exact machinations of the disaster. Most all accounts speak of widespread natural disasters that upturned nations and leveled continent sized areas, the amorphous nature of the plane, along with whatever mysterious forces manipulate the event itself, have long conspired to conceal the true extent of the disaster. To the current day there are several pre-Unfurling civilizations that no trace has been seen of since.

Some theories say that the disaster was terrestrial in nature, major earthquakes ripped across continents and plains, tearing the earth asunder sending entire cities and nations plunging into the abyss as the red hot life blood of planets poured forth from the wounds, incinerating everthing in its path that had not been swallowed whole. Subterranean civilizations suffered the worst in these accounts as the ceilings of their great nation caverns collapse, crushing whole populations in an instant. Other historians have chronicled severe weather disasters, storms that scoured the earth to the bedrock and left enormous and permanent lakes, some say that this was the origin of the mirrored lakes, though none can be certain. Most unusual of all, are the accounts of meteoric impacts pockmarking the land and triggering all of the other disasters.

These last accounts are generally viewed as the least reliable as there are no other recorded instances of impact events at any time, or in any place in Tir na Laochra. The nature of the infinite sky and amorphous location make it simply impossible. Some theories state that the Shatterfall occured because of the thinning veil between the worlds, claiming that the meteorites actually traveled through nominal portals from other worlds to impact the terrain in the vale.


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