High Elf


The High Elf homeland is the forested Ehomall on the northeast edge of the Boiling Sea. High elves travel beyond their province when business calls but prefer forested areas.


Shared customary codes and values

High elves value family and bloodlines, honor, and refined skill in everything they do. Because high elves are honor driven and are organized in families, high elves treat each other as noble peers, ensuring no family honor is tarnished.   High elves who are not well traveled are often easily insulted by other races if not shown the respect they are accustomed to. This can lead to the stereotype of high elves being haughty and elitist.   High elves who join the Ehomall military as Scouts are often at odds with the normal codes of honor. As such, they are seen as slightly less reliable, somewhat less trusted, and do not achieve high military ranks. However, social ranks and interactions are unaffected by their position.
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