Wood Elf


The Wood Elves are nomadic and do not have a designated homeland in Koi. However, Wood elves do prefer to congregate in the less-traveled jungle areas along the edge of the Boiling Sea. While the jungles in the province of Golaria are often favored, the prevalence of forest gnomes in the area during the winter months can be a deterrent.   Wood Elf homes, as they are, are often more mobile camps than they are built structures. When there is enough reason to do so they will erect semi-permanent great halls or other grand structures out of sticks, logs, hides and rope. Even these large structures are built to be deconstructed and moved within a matter of hours.


Shared customary codes and values

Wood elf culture is a direct contrast to that of the High elf culture. Wood elves are individualistic creatures who value freedom and individual expression above all else. Wood elves reject the values of of the High Elf way of life and develop their own personal code of ethics to which they adhere. While very individualistic, they do form loose-knit communities, usually based on proximity or a shared purpose. Within these communities there exists no leader as each is free to choose their own way. There exist no written laws but there is an iron-clad norm of providing ample personal space and staying out of another's business. If this norm appears to be broken, everyone within the area will take notice, and take action if needed. It is only under this banner of an imposition on freedoms that wood elves take action into the disputes of others. Disputes between Wood elves are rare. They are often settled by the two parties visually assessing the terms of the disagreement with a glance and a stare. The one who feels they may have encroached on the other withdraws without a word. In extreme cases disagreements can be settled by the nearest impartial onlooker who serves as an arbiter, or through physical combat as a last resort. Wood elves do not hold grudges and are happier to move on than to stand their ground for a meaningless cause.   Wood elves are very adaptive and take to mercenary work quite well, but they rarely deal with non-elf races for long. The rare Wood Elf that ventures out of the woods to seek work or adventure may take a while to come to terms with the structured nature of the other races. They do enjoy the freedoms of the open road and the variety of new companions, however, wood elves do not handle laws well. While they don't seek to break them, they tend to feel oppressed by existing under them and would rather avoid larger cities altogether. This often strengthens the "wild elf savage" stereotype for which wood elves are known.
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