Fall of the Ravage Lord, beginning of the renewal

Era beginning/end

End of the Ravage War

The story of Koi begins with the ending of a dark time.

The Ravage War began at the behest of a demon known as the Ravage Lord. Starting deep in northern Thaaroun the Ravage Lord began corrupting the orcs, then centaurs, and finally bringing the giant tribes under his corrupted reign. Raising his demonic army of pain and suffering he swept through and conquered all of the northern lands within the first year. He then set his sights on the southern lands, marching south with the giants and centaurs while the orcs attacked the western coast by sea.   For two years the southern lands fought back the demonic army on every front. What was left of the civilized world struggled to survive. It was then, when nearly all hope was lost, that a band of heroes emerged. The great leader, commander Hemet "Bloodfist" Thay united the southern lands, gathering all who would stand against their shared enemy into a single fighting force. Tigon, of the wicked mind, strategized the defenses and what would be the final assault. But in the end it all came down to the actions of one man. Rise, the unbound, the savior of civilizations, with the fury of Tempus himself, he, alone, confronted the Ravage Lord. Leaping into the sky to meet the vile demon's dive Rise sacrificed his life to deal the fatal blow, felling the Ravage Lord and bringing an end to the Ravage War.   And so began the Age of Renewal.

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Age of Renewal