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Cernunon is a vast plainlands with thick patches of forest that stretches from shore to shore an equatorial island on the world of Tirestir, the races that primarily inhabit Cernunon are the nomadic centaurs, the underground dwelling Minotaur, The prideful and far running Centaur, and the Satyr and Faunus which make up the majority of those who dwell in the small cities that dot the landscape. Despite the vastly different different cultures and lifestyles of these three groups they live in relative harmony, with most other humanoid races settling with the Satyr and Faunus when they move here. Cernunon is ruled by a council headed by "The Wild King" Who is chosen during a succession ceremony from among the leader of the three groups, this individual then goes into an ancient tree and emerges transformed in body and soul as the Wild King, with antlers sprouting from their brow, or the horns previously there turning into them, and their skin takes on a bark-like appearance.   The Wild King is a matter of some debate among the scholars of other races as they do not ever appear in diplomatic talks and only during council meetings or in rare instances when they appear to people living on the isle. It was the previous Wild King, a Centaur that decided to loan land to the sea dwelling empires to make Seahome, knowing that the Centaurs wish to be able to go on stampedes across other nations in the world, but in order to do so need boats to get there, and so an alliance was struck. When under threat the Wild King can call a Wild Hunt against would be invaders where all among the three groups are expected to rise up against the threat and stop it with all their concentrated might. The current Wild King was chosen from among the Satyr's on the passing of the previous one, and they seem to be staying the course on the alliance with Seahome. Otherwise they have put some focus of the Satyr's and Faunus into adopting some of the more permanent building practices observed in Seahome, with the cities of Cernunon starting to become far more sturdy.   Due to the nomadic nature of the Centaurs a large export of Cernunon is the game they hunt, however exporting and importing of good has been historically incredibly limited, but with the high value of trade with Seahome for goods only producible on land and vice versa, the prosperity of Cernunon is quickly on the rise. Although they interact little with the outside world many foreigners know of these lands as the birthplace of the Centaur and Minotaur, and some parents scare their children at night of 'The Herd That Will Trample the World', saying they were trapped on Cernunon in order to stop them, although this has no evidence in known historical records.

Fauna & Flora

Equinox Blossom     In the vast plains and forests of Cernunon, a unique and enchanting plant known as the Equinox Blossom thrives. This plant is renowned for its vibrant and mesmerizing flowers that bloom twice a year, during the spring and autumn equinoxes. The Equinox Blossom is characterized by its large, star-shaped petals that come in various shades of gold, crimson, and violet, resembling the changing colors of the seasons.   The Equinox Blossom holds cultural significance among the inhabitants of Cernunon, symbolizing the harmonious balance between the different races and cultures that coexist in the region. It is often used in ceremonial rituals and celebrations, where its petals are scattered or worn as adornments during special occasions. The nectar of the Equinox Blossom is also known to possess healing properties, and herbalists from the Satyr and Faunus communities utilize it in their remedies.   Forest Sentinel     Deep within the forests of Cernunon, a majestic and elusive creature known as the Forest Sentinel roams. This legendary creature is revered by the inhabitants of Cernunon as a guardian of the natural balance and the sacred connection between the land and its dwellers. The Forest Sentinel is a large, majestic stag with shimmering, ethereal antlers that seem to blend with the surrounding foliage.   The Forest Sentinel possesses extraordinary wisdom and is believed to possess the ability to communicate with the spirits of the land and forest. It serves as a guide and protector for those who venture into the wilderness, ensuring the safety and well-being of all who respect the sanctity of nature. Its presence is often associated with tranquility and an aura of serenity that permeates the forests of Cernunon.   Legends speak of the Forest Sentinel appearing in times of great danger, leading the diverse races of Cernunon in times of crisis, and uniting them under a common cause. Its magnificent antlers are said to hold mystical powers, granting strength and protection to those who prove themselves worthy. The Forest Sentinel stands as a symbol of unity and reverence for the natural world in Cernunon.


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