Freesword Guild Organization in Tirestir | World Anvil
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Freesword Guild

The Freesword guild is a group of adventurers and quest takers from across various planes. This guild strives to keep its multiplanar nature kept on the down low, not exactly hiding the fact or lying about it, but never advertising it. It would not be rare for many of the members of a freesword guild on a planet to have no idea that there are hundreds of members of their guild across various planets and planes.    On Tirestir the Freesword guild has various small outposts in the capital of most major nations, and the guild is respected enough to the point where members are given free passage between the nations of the world, even in times of war, so long as they are taking no quests for either side. The guild also firmly refuses to take a side in any official manner in any conflict, and is generally willing to offer contracts to their members from both sides of a war, even if a particular chapter master may be hesitant to do so due to their own personal biases.


The organizations structure of the Freesword guild goes as follows:  
  • The Guild Master: The leader of the organization as a whole, generally seen in their guild hall in the city of Sigil. Though the current Guild Master has not been heard from in some time.
  • Swords of the Planes/Planet: A Sword of the Plane/Planet is a member of the Freesword guild who organizes the spread and taking of large profile missions from everything on an entire plane or planet that the guild operates on.
  • Chapter Master: Chapter Masters are leaders of particular chapters, no matter how large or small. A chapter master may oversee a small office in a run down city that gets only a handful of missions a month, or a bustling hub in a major metropolis getting requests of all profiles every day.
  • A Freesword Veteran: A Freesword veteran is a member who has proven their use to the guild and has garnered a reputation for themselves as someone who can handle high profile missions. They are given first pick to dangerous missions.
  • A Freesword: The regular members of the guild, they have passed their initiation and make up the large bulk of guild membership.
  • An Initiate: Someone who is a prospective member of the guild, they typically need to prove their worth in combat or on a request. Initiates are not by application, instead the guild puts out a call when they are looking for members, and will only accept those they see as worthy of membership.

Public Agenda

They seek to be the premier organization for adventurers, seeking to provide a reputation of reliability for their clients. Typically seeking a group of freesword adventurers is known to fetch a higher pricepoint, but also a higher chance of success for what you are seeking to get done.
Guild, Adventuring


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