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Komab is a nation of blood and war it is a strange country, cut out of the surrounding lands from disparate Orcish and Goblin tribes that banded together to make a land of their own. Their primary deity is the god Krentas, the Bloody Monkey or Gijak Monkeausan to the people of Komab. The people of Komab are very warlike and it is not unheard of for travelers in the surrounding nations to be ambushed on the road by Komab soldiers, although Orc and Goblin attacks on the road is not uncommon in any country. Despite this reputation for collecting prisoners, loot, and other things by ambushing travelers on the road in nearby nations, they actually do not extend this practice into their own lands, and instead have large fortresses built on every major road entrance into Komab.   At these fortresses, as well as the entrances to major cities, they demand tribute from travelers to be paid in one of three ways, the iron price, the gold price, or the blood price. The gold price the middling option when it comes to attractiveness, as generally the amount of gold demanded by the Orcs and Goblinoids is usually absurd, and usually the price paid in iron, or in other words weapons, is likely far less in gold worth than just paying the gold they ask of you, which is usually an arbitrary and large number. The blood price is the least chosen of the three options, as it generally involves facing the skilled commander of the outpost in single combat to the death, and only fierce adventurers ever choose this option, but it can buy passage for a full party through a for while the soldiers stationed there sort out who will lead them going forward.   Komab does not permit their soldiers to be bought by other nations, but instead they volunteer to fight for any other nation in war, sometimes simply showing up without being requested, winning a battle for your army, and then demanding to have all the loot and supplies from the battle, or absurd amounts of gold and resources, lest their weapons be turned on their would be allies. This practice has led to them being seen as a blessing by warriors who didn't want to die in battle, but a curse for kings and commanders who hate for their battles to be bought in such a way.   Lastly the Komab peoples are not against outsiders joining their ranks, they only need to prove themselves, and there is actually a sizeable population of Gnomes, Tieflings, Humans, and other smaller enclaves of individuals who swear fealty to the king and queen of Komab. Due to the discrimination and kill orders sent out against many orc and goblin tribes that live independently in other nations, the prospect of moving to Komab is becoming more and more appealing to many of these tribes, and year after year the ranks of Komab grow and the surrounding nations grow weary, with such a strong military and ever expanding population, where will they expand to next?

Fauna & Flora

Bloodvine (Vitrisanguis)   The Bloodvine is a unique plant found in the rugged and war-torn lands of Komab. It thrives in the blood-soaked soil and embodies the fierce and brutal nature of the nation. The plant has deep crimson vines with thorny tendrils that resemble the fangs of a predator. Its leaves are dark green, almost black, with jagged edges that give off an unsettling aura. What sets the Bloodvine apart is its ability to absorb the essence of fallen warriors. As it grows near battlefields and burial grounds, it draws nourishment from the blood and remains, becoming stronger and more resilient. It is often used in Komab's rituals and ceremonies, symbolizing the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth.   Warfang Direwolf   The Warfang Direwolf is a formidable predator that roams the wilds of Komab. It is a large and muscular creature, standing taller and more imposing than regular direwolves. Its fur is dark and mottled, providing excellent camouflage in the rugged terrain. The Warfang Direwolf possesses sharp fangs and claws, adapted for tearing through armor and flesh alike. Known for its exceptional loyalty and pack mentality, it is often seen as a symbol of unity and strength among the Komab people. These majestic creatures are highly sought after by Komab's warriors, who forge deep bonds with them, using them as companions and fierce allies on the battlefield.

Natural Resources

Bloodstone   Bloodstone is a unique mineral that is found in the depths of Komab's treacherous mountains and caverns. It has a distinct reddish hue, resembling coagulated blood, and is known for its exceptional hardness and durability. The stone is often carved into intricate shapes and used in the creation of weapons, armor, and amulets. Legend has it that the Bloodstone carries the essence of fallen warriors and possesses protective properties. It is believed to enhance courage, strength, and endurance, making it highly sought after by Komab's blacksmiths and warriors. The Bloodstone is often worn as a talisman or embedded into weapons to bring luck and ward off evil in battle.


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