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Krent is the land of the Monkeyfolk, a mountain dwelling people that once lived under the cruel and oppressive rule as a slave race to the Loxodon Empire. Although the Loxodon used to rule a vast kingdom in the region, spreading over several now different countries these people were long lived but cruel and oppressive, caring more about the wisdom of stories than what was happening in the present. They regularly used slave races of the Grung, Halflings, Humans and anyone that wasn't Loxodon, but then one day in 513AE all of the Loxodon within the lands of their Empire vanished overnight. Tales of this event vary, with some reporting a sudden disappearance, and other reporting a vast magical catastrophe that sent writhing and screaming Loxodon's off the face of the planet. The Monkeyfolk were the only slave race of the Loxodon to oppose their rule, and they had risen up in open rebellion before the ending of the Empire in 513AE. Some of the fiercest warriors on Tirestir, the monkeyfolk had driven the Loxodon from several cities already at the time of their disappearance, allowing them a unique opportunity that they were poised to take advantage of after the disappearance. Since Krent was already formed, albeit it very small, and already had a leader they were able to immediately strike out and colonize the now empty land of the Loxodon easily, creating the largest Kingdom to form out of the wake of their disappearance.   Krent was not a nation until the monkeyfolk rebelled against the loxodon but before the Loxodon Empire rose to prominence there was an ancient monkeyfolk nation in the region that the modern members of this species are eager to learn more about, with much of their history being erased by the Empire that conquered them. The government of Krent as well as wealthy collectors among the monkeyfolk will pay adventurers handsomely for artifacts, magic items, and literature relating back to this ancient people.   Since three nations rose from the ashes of the Loxodon Empire the Monkeyfolk found themselves with an interesting opportunity, they could conquer these unorganized nations, securing the entire empire for themselves under their rule, or they could resist the temptations of power that came with this opportunity, and in they end they did what many mortals never do, and chose the latter option. In almost millennia since the disappearance of the Loxodon, the monkeyfolk have maintained a historical and culturally important alliance with Frudop and Syric, guaranteeing the independence of these two nations, essentially an open warning that any who attack them, will have to deal with the might of Krent.   The martial prowess of Krent stems from their worship of the god Krentas as well as the gods under his domain such as Galvius. All destructive magic, as well as all forms of martial pursuit are encourage in Krent society, and it is more common to learn that someone has basic martial training than it is to learn that someone knows how to read and write. This does not mean the monkeyfolk of Krent are uneducated but more that the facilities and teachers to teach martial pursuits are abundant and affordable enough that even those of lower means can afford the training necessary, and indeed someone who has the means to achieve higher learning but fails to learn these martial pursuits, is seen as someone lacking very basic education.

Fauna & Flora

Thunderbeak Falcon The Thunderbeak Falcon is a majestic bird of prey that inhabits the mountainous regions of Krent. With a wingspan that can reach up to eight feet, these falcons are known for their extraordinary speed and agility in flight. They possess electrifying feathers that crackle with energy, giving them the ability to generate and control lightning. The Monkeyfolk of Krent have formed a unique bond with Thunderbeak Falcons, training them as loyal aerial companions and utilizing their lightning abilities in both hunting and warfare. The Thunderbeak Falcons are revered as symbols of power and are often seen as companions of Krentan warriors.   Stormroot Herb Stormroot is a rare herb found only in the high-altitude regions of Krent. It has broad, sturdy leaves that resemble shields and emits a faint electric charge when touched. The roots of the Stormroot plant run deep into the mountainside, drawing in powerful electrical energy from the surrounding atmosphere. The Monkeyfolk of Krent harvest this herb for its potent magical properties. When consumed or applied to weapons, Stormroot enhances the user's physical strength and agility, imbuing them with temporary bursts of lightning speed and reflexes. It is highly sought after by Krentan warriors and regarded as a symbol of their connection to thunder and lightning.


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