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Osyca is known to the world for having a civilization of nobles and lords obsessed with the prospect of moving cities and fortresses. It is said in Osyca even small towns have been known to be build trapped to the back of herds of giant turtles. Though the capital of Osyca known as Four Pillars, is a small plateau with a city built atop it strapped to the back and carried by four huge faceless humanoids, the likes of which are not seen elsewhere in the world. These moving cities or castles can be powered by advanced magics, machines, but most commonly large creatures either captured from around the world or the adjoining planes, or magically created or enlarged to serve the purpose of the nobles of Osyca.   Osyca is home to few temples and shrines, with many of them being relegated to offsite of the moving structures. This relegates them to a sort of poverty status, as having no place on the movie castles/cities marks an individual or organization as 'less than' those who can, this does carry over to neighboring empires and kingdoms which do not share this practice. Strangely, despite this ostracization of religion in the country, Osyca has the largest population of Aasimar in the world, with the majority being born as either scourge, or fallen Aasimar, though other types are known to be seen.   Seen as realistically unconquerable due to the fact the majority of strategic locations that would be captures in a war can move and walk away from invading armies, Osyca is rarely attacked and also rarely attacks others, focused more on inward politics than those outside their borders. When Osyca is at war they do not generally take their moving castles/cities outside of their borders, using them as solely defensive assets, instead they use similarly large, but not as massive, creatures as engines of war, putting siege engines or large amounts of troops upon their backs as they march towards their enemies.   The majority of resource gathering is done in set ground locations across Osyca by those who cannot afford to live upon the large moving structures, with most industry ground bound they generally act as semi-independent merchant lords that sell to passing cities their resources as one would sell to traveling caravans in a more traditional shop, just at a much larger scale.

Fauna & Flora

Wanderroot Vine    The Wanderroot Vine is a unique and remarkable plant found exclusively in the lands of Osyca. It is a massive, sprawling vine that possesses a mesmerizing ability to manipulate its growth and movement. The vine's thick, woody stems can stretch for hundreds of feet, weaving through the landscapes and providing a fascinating sight.   The Wanderroot Vine has a symbiotic relationship with the moving cities and fortresses of Osyca. Its roots have evolved to attach themselves securely to the undercarriages and structures of these mobile structures, drawing nourishment from the rich soil they carry and the magical energies that flow within them. The vine's tendrils coil around the structures, strengthening their stability and reinforcing their mobility.   What makes the Wanderroot Vine truly extraordinary is its ability to respond to the intentions and commands of the city's inhabitants. Through a mysterious connection, the residents of Osyca can communicate with the vine, directing its growth and movement. By channeling their intentions and desires, they can guide the vine to adjust its path, secure loose structures, or even form natural barriers against potential threats.   The Wanderroot Vine is also known for its vibrant and diverse foliage. Its leaves come in a range of colors, from deep greens to vibrant purples and blues, creating a visually stunning display. Some variations of the vine even produce beautiful blossoms with magical properties, which are highly sought after by botanists and alchemists.   The presence of the Wanderroot Vine in Osyca is considered a symbol of stability, adaptability, and the close connection between nature and the city-dwellers. Its intertwining growth reflects the harmonious relationship between the mobile structures and the living world around them.   Colossal Tortoise   The Colossal Tortoise is a gigantic, ancient creature native to the lands of Osyca. These enormous reptiles can grow to the size of mountains, their shells serving as the foundation for the mobile cities and fortresses of Osyca's nobles. With their tough, impenetrable shells and immense strength, Colossal Tortoises provide both protection and mobility to the structures strapped onto their backs.   Colossal Tortoises possess unique magical abilities that enable them to traverse various terrains with ease. Their lumbering gait can be surprisingly swift, and their resilience allows them to withstand attacks from would-be invaders. Osycan engineers and mages have developed intricate mechanisms and enchantments to control and guide these colossal creatures, ensuring the stability and movement of the cities they bear.   The bond between the nobles of Osyca and the Colossal Tortoises is strong, and generations of knowledge and expertise have been passed down to ensure the harmonious interaction between the creatures and the structures they carry. These majestic beings are revered by the people of Osyca and are protected at all costs.
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