Adventurer's Guild Organization in Tiriande | World Anvil
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Adventurer's Guild

Given the nature of Tiriande's patron deity, you would assume the Tiriande Adventurer's Guild to be a prestigious and respected organization. Sadly, you would be wrong.   Though undeniably powerful and influential, the organization is seen as rabble-rousers by the upper-class, a necessary evil by the merchant class, and layabouts by the working class. All of these groups are, however, not above hiring the services of registered adventurers for tasks, which are plenty in a city in constant war with an ever-encroaching dungeon.   The Tiriande Adventurer's Guild therefore serves a vital function within its city, responsible not only for the exploration of and containment of dungeons but also the acquisition of new cattle, seeds, and equipment, the maintenance of machinery lost to the dungeon but still vital to city life, and the escorting of travelers and merchant caravans.   Registration is encouraged but not mandatory, though any enmity towards registered adventurers is doubly awarded to those who refuse to.
Guild, Adventuring
Controlled Territories
Related Myths


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