Spirewardens of Ethrenna Organization in Tiriande | World Anvil
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Spirewardens of Ethrenna

The Spirewardens of Ethrenna are a paladin order dedicated to Ethrenna, goddess of Tiriande and patron of adventurers. They simultaneously serve as the wardens of the Dungeonspire, her jail.
  Current goal: Expand the city, uncover new levels
  Turf: The Dungeonspire and the Warden's Castle in Spireshade. Many smaller temples across the city.


The Spirewardens have no official leaders. Individual Spirewardens are left mostly free to decide how to best serve the ideals they ascribe to. In matters of great import, the order sends out an all-hands call and discuss a course of action, during which time the most attention is paid to the most respected members of the Order.

Public Agenda

To protect the citizens of Tiriande, to find new sights and new experiences, to fight back the nightmare for the sake of the dream. To keep Ethrenna locked inside.
Religious, Holy Order
Leader Title
Controlled Territories


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