Thieves' Court Organization in Tiriande | World Anvil
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Thieves' Court

The Thieves' Court of Tiriande is a loose organization of cat burglars, pickpockets, conmen, extortionists and just straight up gangs that form a mockery of a royal court, complete with a Queen - who, of course, claims to be the True Queen of Tiriande - and noble titles. They squabble and fight with each other constantly in turf wars they call border skirmishes, but are quick to turn that aggression onto outlaws outside their organization.
  They enforce Thieves' Law, a set of commandments and guidelines that protect and guide them. The most strict of these is The Upwards Ladder, which dictates that criminal actions perpetrated on those of a lower social rung are punished severely.
  Goal: Eradicate the Billhooks
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