Osborin, also known as the right guy at the right place.
Personal History
Osborin is a founding member of the The Adventurers Three. He was with Priquim the Puissent on a job hunting rust monsters when they had the discussion of marketing themselves. Once they returned from the job, they were praised as heroes. Their popularity grew and grew with every job they did. It was Osborin who decided that they should give their party a name in order to be capitalize on their success. They recruited two other adventurers to round out their party and increased their rates, convincing everyone that they were a premium adventuring party. Osborin has been in charge of marketing his adventure party ever since, selling clothing and mock armour and weapons with the Adventurers Four written all over it.Equipment
Osborin is the party's resident bard. He is known for playing a Lute with silver strings and wielding a blade of psychic energy. Legends of Osborin say that he once fooled a Mind Flayer into giving him psychic weapons, which he still wields to this day.
Year of Birth
25220 AE
32 Years old
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