Assassination of Dravulean II

I come before you now to make a promise. Those who are responsible for this will experience justice far greater than the facsimile they hold dear.
— Excerpt from the live announcement by Crown Larusion
On the morning of the 16th of Piolt 414 AC the former Princess of Telziad, Larusion, made the announcement to their citizens about the murder of their father, King Dravulean II, and their assumption of the throne as their Crown.


Telziad, one of four countries on the continent of Abravost, was founded from the chaotic Vosti Civil War in 336 AC by King Dravulean I. A beloved leader, his passing in 387 AC left the throne to his oldest son, Dravulean II.   Unlike his father, Dravulean II faced controversy throughout his reign, being considered a rash and irresponsible ruler who thought little about how his decrees affected his people. Criticisms came from all sides, and to many it appeared that the only people who liked him were powerbrokers in the Vosti Empire to the south, who were keen to take advantage of his lack of popularity to get favourable political deals.   Multiple attempts were made on the lives of both Dravulean and his only child Larusion, notably including a carriage explosion which maimed his younger brother and a poisoning in 411.   This latest attempt, on the 14th of Piolt, would be carried out by the Vosti paramilitary group called the Hounds of Fovenis. Their intent was to kill Dravulean and Larusion so as to clear the way to the throne for Lord Erameon Fovenis, a cousin of Larusion's with known and clear sympathies to the Vosti Empire that they hoped to exploit. However, while successful in killing Dravulean II, Larusion was rescued by a member of the Sinofis City Guard and some prisoners from Sinofis Prison.   The surrounding areas of the city of Sinofis were engulfed in chaos and speculation for a full day over the sudden proliferation of guards and the silence from the palace, until Larusion emerged on the 16th.
Decree, Royal
Authoring Date
414 AC 11 Years Ago
Bloodied Sword by Free-Photos


Larusion was not rescued from the Hounds by members of the palace guard, but by a group of prisoners from the city prison supervised by a member of the city guard. Larusion granted all four prisoners full pardons, and would later offer a role in their palace to the necromancer Támjol Eliodan in particular for his role in their rescue.

Cover image: Tiyu Amara by Casey Horner


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Aug 4, 2023 16:11

Good political intrigues. Will the new queen stand in for the king until he marries or will she be queen instead of a king by right of blood?

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