
They're at the legal and moral centre of our community, and are trained damn near from birth for the position. I assume the other elders decide which tadpole of a kid has potential for it.
Among the Wūlséd'ok merfolk whose population lives off the south-eastern shores of Thurásin, their communities are led by senior merfolk of significant training and talent known as Elders.


While senior and experienced merfolk have undoubtedly led their communities since time immemorial, the specific position of Elder has existed among the Wulsed'ok for at least 1000 years. Stories say the first Elder kept the Wūlséd'ok safe during an attack by a rival group of merfolk, summoning ghostly warriors to defend their waters, embedding necromancy as a core of their culture.   There have been a number of noteworthy Elders throughout Wūlséd'ok history, such as Abì'da, who ascended to the position comparatively young and led her people through a "world-rending storm", and Elder Siéhl, after whom the Portal between Tiyu Shòbá and Tiyu Amara is named.   Since the portal's establishment, and despite the creation of a handful of smaller portals, very few Wūlséd'ok Elders have passed through to Tiyu Amara. Reportedly at least one is present at any given time, empowered to act as a government away from home, but exactly who this is isn't widely known to surface dwellers.


There are no strict requirements for becoming an Elder, bar one - the unanimous approval of all Elders, alive and still unliving. Theoretically, any random mer, or potentially even non-mer, could rise to the position. However, there are a few traits common among Elders historically.   First is having successfully received the blessing of their ancestors, entitling them to be a full member of their community in adulthood. The second is a grasp of Necromancy, though there have been a handful of Elders with no magic at all. The last trait is a strong community spirit, exercised through participation in important events and rituals and by aiding your fellow mer.  


Becoming an Elder is a lifetime appointment, and a matter considered with grave severity by existing Elders, with the council known to take years to come to a decision. As such, removing an Elder from their authority is a highly unusual thing, and there is no historical example of this having occurred.   Processes do exist for bringing the matter forward, such as by first getting tentative approval from 2 living Elders, who then collectively discuss the matter with Elders past. At a majority threshold of the alive and unliving, the matter is formally brought before the entire community at a trial, where the Elder in question must have their authority revoked by an absolute majority - a majority of living citizens, a majority of living Elders (themself not included in calculations), and a majority of deceased Elders. If any single group fails to reach a majority, the motion fails.
Civic, Political
Source of Authority
The people
Length of Term
Lifetime appointment
Lightning by Johannes Plenio

Merfolk Scorned

While doubtless many merfolk have petitioned to become Elder and been sorely disappointed in their rejection, none are more famous among the Wūlséd'ok than Hliǎ. Reportedly after being denied authority, Hliǎ turned on his community, causing a great deal of injury and destruction, including the death of another Elder.   For his transgressions, he was hunted and killed, and for a brief time his spirit was kept caged with the hope of uncovering any further schemes of his. Unfortunately, no mer present was capable of channelling his spirit without severe emotional risks, and he was ultimately banished in the swirling sea to never be seen again.   Often bandied around as a tale of mysterious treasures and dangers lurking in the dark ocean, others use Hliǎ as a lesson in humility, and accepting rejection with grace. After all, you wouldn't want to become as infamous as him, would you?
Ocean Birmingham
A North West Gale by John Brett via Birmingham Museums Trust

Cover image: Merfolk by Nsey Benajah


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Aug 18, 2024 01:48 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article with nice colors and layout. The bit at the end speaking to the reader was a nice touch.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3