Elven Ceremonial Sword

In the darkest corner of that church sat a box, shrouded in a woolen blanket. Inside was the treasure Godhzu was searching for - an ancient blade from an unknown civilisation, resplendent in red. The sword he would use to carve a bloody path through the north.
— Jii'ash Ulfyaal, Xiy Kiiquldamii Historian
The Bloodied Sword of Godhzu is an important relic in the Republic of Xiy Kiiquldast. Acquired by the infamous Captain Godhzu in 27 Discovery, it led his fleet into battle many times throughout his northern conquests, and is now a ceremonial weapon for the Captain of the Republic.


The sword was first found in a partially submerged tower off the north coast of Qariy, shortly after The Collision brought Elves and their settlements into Tiyu Amara. As such, the sword was presumed to be of elven make, though no group has claimed it.   It was kept in the small town near where it was discovered, passing from house to house over the years. After a fight broke out over who would get to keep the blade, it was given over to the local church for safekeeping and display, and became a small tourist attraction amongst the people of Qariy. News of its intricate patterning and ornate handle spread slowly outside of the island.   Someone who did hear of the sword was Captain Godhzu, of the piratical republic of Xiy Kiiquldast. Shortly after his conquest of the island in the Era of Discovery, he tracked down blood-red blade for use as a symbol of his position as leader. For many throughout northern Thurásin Standard Calendar, the first they saw or heard of the sword was when it was used by Godhzu to execute the captured governor of Zunatuudh.   This was not the first time the sword shed blood, as it was used extensively in the many sacrifices Godhzu and his successors ordered over the ensuing decades. It was last used as a weapon during Xiy Kiiquldast's failed attempt to hold Qariy in the Era of Famine, and thereafter has served only as an accoutrement of the office of Captain.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Owning Organisation
Xiy Kiiquldast

Folk History

With the creation of the sword shrouded in mystery, many stories have been concocted to fill this gap in history. A very common but demonstrably false story claims that it was once an ordinary iron or chromium alloy sword that turned red from the blood it spilt. As such, it would be attributed to a noble within the old Kingdom of Xiy Kiiquldast. However, as the sword is clearly made of a red metal that has yet to be identified, this cannot be true.   Another popular story suggests the sword was a unique artifact created by The Divinities to slice a path through the stars. After creating this slice, it fell into the world-colliding crash this caused, appearing in Qariy.
The Divided Stars cover
Divided Stars by Isaac Thompson
The Bloodied Sword of Godhzu, Nuuljete Liiwó by Isaac Thompson
Alternative Name
Sword of the Protector
Former Owner
Pasoolatii Family

Noble Glory

The king was not the only person within the kingdom to use a bloodsteel sword as a symbol of his authority. Many nobles, from small barons to grand dukes, bore blades of similar complexity and ornateness to demonstrate their power at a glance. After all, bloodsteel was remarkably rare and very strong - perfect for a decorative sword that might need to be used.   Despite being weapons, very few of them were used in combat or even intended for that purpose. By most accounts, Nuuljete Liiwó is the only noble blade that saw active and regular use, and was certainly the only such sword wielded by a commoner trained in combat.   The sword became associated with the actual defence of the monarch, and many legends stated that so long as the sword remained in the hands of the Pasoolatii family, the kingdom would endure. Many attribute the collapse of Nousetl Meyámii after the Collision to the loss of the sword, and joke that its return would restore the kingdom to its former glory.
Ruby Jewellery Gemstone Gold
Ruby Jewelry by Bruceandyqq
Hómsha Pasoolatii's sword clattered to the ground, and the assassin advanced ever closer to the king. The guard searched for a weapon, and spotted it - the red blade at his master's side. In one move, he grabbed the king's sword and pulled it from its scabbard, deflecting the assassin's attack.
— Kailkoseltii story teller
Nuuljete Liiwó, also known as the Sword of the Protector, is a famous Kailkoseltii blade. Crafted from Bloodsteel and ornately decorated, it was a symbol of loyalty and protection for many in the elven kingdom of Nousetl Meyámii.


It isn't known who exactly crafted this sword, but it is known who it was made for - King Maisatl of Nousetl Meyámii. Freshly ascended in a troubled time for the kingdom, he had the sword commissioned to serve as a symbol of his royal authority, an authority that was being challenged by rival claimants to his throne.   Once he had the sword in his possession, he made a point of carrying it everywhere he went in an equally ostentatious sheath, in the hopes it would ward off any who wished him harm. In addition to his blade, he also employed the services of a single bodyguard - Hómsha Pasoolatii.   His reign remained uncertain, and his biggest rival for the throne made multiple attempts to wrest control. After said rival lost an important battle, she decided that removing Maisatl directly would be more efficient, and sent out her assassins.   Despite his fancy blade, Maisatl was an awful swordsman, and the assassins were easily able to overpower him when they found him isolated in the countryside. However, they had not counted on Hómsha's presence, and the lone guard was able to fight them off. This even though he had lost his own sword in the ambush, having to grab his masters blade instead.   When the two returned to the palace shortly thereafter, Hómsha collapsed from the injuries he sustained in the defence of his king. Maisatl stood in vigil by his bedside until he recovered, and formally offered the blade to his guard in thanks for his service. Though Hómsha is known to have refused the offer initially, he later accepted the sword on the condition he be allowed to proudly bear it in service of his king.   The sword, now known as Nuuljete Liiwó, remained in the Pasoolatii family for many generations. Each time it was handed down, the ruler of the kingdom personally gave it over, charging the new owner with the defence of the royals. Pasoolatii guards regularly took positions in marches and parades.   When The Collision forced many elven and human cities and territories to swap worlds, the capital of Nousetl Meyámii was scattered to become the City Islands off the coast of the human-occupied Abravost. Despite the Pasoolatii family home being in this city, it and the sword contained within were never found.

Cover image: Sword and Chainmail by stronytwoichmarzen


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