Jaaqush II

King Jaaqush II Ulkuwpwaluust

I suppose he is the king, isn't he? That's what the proclaimations say - Ruynash, on behalf of his majesty. Can't say I've seen or heard hide of the boy since his mother's funeral, though.
— Vyanutiqumii noblewoman
King Jaaqush II is the current ruler of the Kingdom of Vyanutiqu, ascending in 36 Return. However, due to his young age, the duties of ruler are performed by his mother's younger sibling, regent Ruynash Ulkuwpwaluust.


Jaaqush was born as the only child of Queen Xuymush II and her husband, Yoqla Ro'ayddzi. From very early on, his mother made clear her intent that her child would succeed her on the throne, and ensured her son began a stellar diplomatic education. This included many trips to the neighbouring countries of Kuwvyana and Gze Gu'azhayddzi, though the high altitude of the latter meant Jaaqush only made it as far as Biva Myasdiqu.   Jaaqush showed little interest in his education as a small boy, preferring to play with wooden dragon toys and expressing a desire to ride one like the Ovükayo Dragon Lancers. Though Xuymush disapproved of this fixation, she nevertheless made tentative plans for a diplomatic trip to the distant duchy, going as far as to host Countess Biiyai at a winter gala as part of discussions.   Unfortunately for the prospective dragon-lancer, the queen would die unexpectedly in 36 Return, with no cause of death being revealed to the public. The extended royal family decided to honour Xuymush's stated preference regarding succession and annoint the 11 year old Jaaqush as king, and appointing her younger sibling Ruynash as his regent until he grew older.   No coronation for Jaaqush has yet to be held, and since his mother's lavish funeral the boy has been noticably absent from public events, with the planned Ovük trip unceremoniously cancelled.
King of Vyanutiqu
36 Return - Present 3 Years
Xuymush II
25 Return 14 Years Old

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